30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (2024)

Flowers can make you happy. How beautiful are they to look upon! They’re such a mood-changer. How lovely are their hues! And they have such unique names. Here are 30 flowers that start with R. How many are you familiar with? Read on and find out.

1.Rain Lily

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (1)

Here is a flower that resembles funnels. The Rain Lily flower is thought to be wild. It usually blooms after an extended period of heavy rains. Thus, the name. Typically, you can see it in Central and South America.

The Rain Lily blooms in clusters. It can be pink, white, or orange. And it’s simple to grow. You won’t get bothered that much. It only requires little care.

2.Round-headed Rampion

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (2)

This flower is famous as the Pride of Sussex. It serves as the county flower. But this particular type of rampion also grows in grasslands. Its form has earned it the name “round-headed.”

The Round-headed Champion may look like it’s just one flower. But try getting a closer look at it. It has between 15-30 small florets. They’re simply pressed up against one another. Also, this flower resembles a hybrid of an octopus and an anemone. It has a deep blue hue that almost seems purple.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (3)

Rue flowers develop in tiny blooms. Their typical diameter is almost three centimeters. Notice the umbel-shaped, yellow-green flower heads. You can catch up to five beautiful and symmetrical petals. Their edges are arched. So, they appear frilly.

The Rue variety hardly has any aroma in contrast to its leaves. But bees and butterflies like it. Just remember to use caution when consuming it. This beauty is poisonous.

4.Rock Rose

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (4)

The Rock Rose flower is renowned for its healing properties. Additionally, Bach flower medicines include it. It helps treat several medical conditions. These include stress and anxiety.

You can find this flower in Europe’s high-altitude regions. One inch or so is about how big it is. It typically appears with the start of the winter rains. Also, the five yellow petals are dazzling. However, they quickly wilt away after blossoming.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (5)

Everyone has probably seen a rose already. It’s conceivably the most well-known flower on the planet. Its variety of hues is also incredible. Red represents love. The white variation may signify sympathy. Others are pink and yellow.

The shapes and sizes of roses are also varied. You can use them to decorate your home’s interior. And, of course, as an ornamental pleasure. Roses are a delight anywhere you see them.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (6)

There are roughly 250 species of Ranunculus flowers. And they are all breathtakingly beautiful! It makes sense why they’re popular in flower stores. They come in a variety of vibrant hues. So, they are frequently used in bridal bouquets.

A benefit of the Ranunculus flower is its lengthy vase life. It can adjust to a variety of growing environments. Observe how it adores the sunshine! But it can’t stand up to conditions that are too damp.

7.Rattlesnake Master

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (7)

This flower has nothing in common with a snake. It has a spherical head-like appearance. It might be white, blue, or green in hue. Additionally, a central cone may house a cluster of up to ten flowers. There are five petals on every flower.

The Rattlesnake Master can flourish in a house or a prairie. And it has a strong scent. It smells like honey. So, it draws pollinators readily, like bees.

8.Regal Geranium

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (8)

The Regal Geranium is also known as Martha Washington. You can usually locate it in patios and gardens. But an enclosed outdoor space will enhance its hue and shelf life.

Numerous varieties exist for the Regal Geranium. Some resemble cacti. Others are like tulips. Some look like spiky stars. The hues also come in a variety of shades. Most are pink or white. And there are plenty more.

9.Rusty Foxglove

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (9)

This flower is indigenous to Europe. It has a golden-bronze hue. And the spots inside the petals create a magnificent overall look. Pollinators like bees frequent its stunning spikes of bell-shaped flowers!

The Rusty Foxglove is a wonderful accent in gardens. Its beautiful spires can serve as architectural highlights.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (10)

Rondeletia is a gorgeous garden plant. It blossoms every spring. Then it blooms once more in summer. Clusters of this flower grow in abundance. There are four or five petals visible. Usually, this flower is pink. Some species are red. But its neck is always yellow.

Try planting Rondeletia if you enjoy scented flowers. It effortlessly draws butterflies and birds to your yard. Both moths and birds are enticed to it.

11.Red Campion

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (11)

Red Catchfly is another name for Red Campion. It’s easily recognizable for its pink-red hue. It also has a lovely five-petal bloom. The petals are sharply notched to create a tube. A calyx that is purple-brown encircles them.

This flower has a maximum width of two centimeters. Observe how it opens during the day to draw bees and butterflies. It is readily accessible in wooded areas and along roadsides. It is such a great attraction during summertime.

12.Rose of Sharon

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (12)

The Rose of Sharon isn’t a rose at all. And it doesn’t originate from a place called Sharon. Well, it’s native to Asia. So, focus on its attractiveness rather than the name.

Lovely variations exist for the Rose of Sharon. It can be single, double, or semi-double. Some can be flat or frilly. They bloom from summer until fall. They’re usually red, pink, or violet.

13.Russian Sage

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (13)

The lavender to purple Russian Sage flower is pretty. It could also be purple-blue. It blooms in spikey clusters of flowers. So, it does look like a tube.

Silvery white stems with grayish-green leaves support the flowers. Expose it to sunshine! You’ll notice this flower will last a long time. It requires little effort on your part to maintain it.

14.Red Valerian

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (14)

Red Valerian is also called Jupiter’s beard. The Mediterranean region is home to this pinkish-red beauty. Some varieties are entirely white.

All types of pollinators are attracted to this blossom. It serves as a reliable source of nectar for them. And you’ll love it because it’s resilient. It can flourish in walls and rocks. And it looks so lovely when allowed to naturalize in the garden.

15.Rosinweed Sunflower

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (15)

Ozark sunflower is another name for this flower. It originated in southern Central America. Its diameter is about 3″. Look at the dark reddish-purple core disks and yellow rays. Each flower has numerous disks surrounded by 12–25 florets.

This sunflower thrives in its native environments. These include roadsides, fields, and thickets. It blooms for three to four weeks. But the flowering phase may last up to two months.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (16)

Rudbeckia stuns with its striking yellow hue. Therefore, it clashes with flower arrangements that call for gentle pastels. Rudbeckia is hardy, though. It doesn’t quickly wilt. Just ensure that the stem is reasonably sturdy.

This flower is also known as a black-eyed Susan. Coneflowers is another name for it on occasion. It often blooms in the middle to end of summer. When it opens, the ray florets often point out and downward.

17.Redvein Enkianthus

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (17)

Furin-tsutsuji is another name for this flower. It resembles a blown-up urn. Spot it late spring till the middle of summer. The clusters of delicate, bell-shaped flowers will enchant you. They have light fragrances and grow in red veins.

The Redvein Enkianthus makes your garden more cheerful and alive. Its nectar also attracts hummingbirds and bees. Then little brown capsules appear after the blossoms have faded.

18.Rock Trumpet

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (18)

The Rock Trumpet or Mandevilla is a showy flower. No wonder it’s widely grown. Admire it for its great tenacity. It can bloom for months on end. It looks beautiful in a landscape throughout spring or summer.

The flower consists of five broad lobes. Its variants are red, yellow, and pink. There is also a white variety.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (19)

Rhododendron is Nepal’s national flower. Its scarlet blossoms give it the nickname “red tree.” Symbolic meanings are associated with this flower. For instance, in Japan, it represents laborious work. In Nepal, it means valuing your spouse.

This flower is one of the most frequently bred. There are hence countless variations of it. They typically congregate in funnel-shaped formations. Pink, white, and blue are some of its varieties. Others come in scarlet and purple.

20.Roundleaf Liverleaf

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (20)

One of the first woodland wildflowers is the Roundleaf Liverleaf. It has a lovely bowl-like appearance. Typically, it is light blue or lavender. Others could be white, purple, or pink. The Roundleaf Liverleaf frequently inhabits wooded areas. It blooms close when it’s overcast and at night. Its blooming season is from March through May.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (21)

This flower blooms throughout temperate climates. You can expose it to the sun for up to 12 hours. The flowers come in white, pink, or purple. They can also be deep blue. They are tubular and relatively tiny.

The blossoms are also nectar-rich. That’s why bees like them. Also, many gardeners plant them close to their vegetable beds. They expect that the bees will pollinate their crops, too.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (22)

The Rosemallow has all the exotic glory of tropical hibiscus. It has large, beautiful flowers like the size of plates. But this one is hardy enough. It loves moisture.

This flower is five-petalled. It grows to about 6-8 inches wide. In the middle is a golden stamen. Its varieties include pink, peach, and more. There are also bi-color variations.

23.Rocket Larkspur

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (23)

Larkspurs are more than lovely flowers. Did you know they’re historical, too? They have been used to adorn Egyptian mummies in the past.

The Rocket Larkspur’s beauty captures admiration from ancient to the present. Its tightly packed blossoms in a backward spur are so unique. No wonder the Larkspur is one of the most popular ornamental flowers sold worldwide.

24.Roof Iris

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (24)

The Roof Iris was initially identified in the 1860s in Japan. It was growing on roofs. Thus, the rise of its common name. The flowers are bluish or purplish. A white variant is also available.

The Roof Iris lacks a beard which other iris flowers have. But it has a pretty fringed crest. And it’s enormous at 4-6 inches. It blooms in April and May. But its floral show lasts only for about two weeks.

25.Red Hot Poker

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (25)

Red Hot Pokers are renowned for their towering flower spikes. They come in vivid shades of red, yellow, and other hues. They also go by the name “torch lilies.” But they aren’t lilies at all.

The Red Hot Poker flowers are best in full sun. The flowers typically begin as red or orange. Then they turn yellow as they ripen. The result is three hues all at once on the flower stalks. Typically, each flower cluster blooms for a few weeks.


30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (26)

The Restharrow is typically not a garden darling. It has lots of pointed spines. Yet it is very adorable. And it looks like a butterfly with pretty wings. The pink blossoms cluster on tiny shoots. Also, there are observable hairs on the calyx.

The Restharrow’s prime blooming period typically lasts from May to October. It releases a partially disagreeable, slightly sweet scent during this season.

27.Rock Cress

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (27)

Springtime brings forth an abundance of Rock Cress. There are several hue variations available, like pink and lavender. Additionally, the nectar-rich blooms draw the attention of butterflies.

The Rock Cress thrives well in edgings and as ground cover. It also works well on slopes and hills. This flower is also edible.

28.Roman Chamomile

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (28)

The Roman Chamomile is a little white flower with a golden core that resembles daisies. A single blossom grows in each stem. Get mesmerized by how it spreads like a carpet!

It is an excellent ground cover that crawls around. This flower looks stunning between your patio tiles. It has an apple-like scent. So, it draws some excellent pollinators and helpful insects.

29.Round-leaved Sundew

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (29)

This flower is quite perplexing! It has lovely reddish leaves mistaken for flowers. But they aren’t blossoms. They’re slender stems.

This sundew flower has five prominent petals. There may be 3–25 flowers in a single bare stem. They come in pink or white varieties. They bloom from June through August.

30.Reticulated Iris

30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (30)

The Reticulated Iris is purple with golden accents. Also possible are white streaks. It resembles other Iris flowers in every way. It also has three upright petals. And three other petals are drooping.

March to April is when the Reticulated Iris blooms. It’s the ideal addition to a garden in the early spring. The sweet scent is an added treat.


Who could not be a flower lover? They are all gorgeous. And each of them is special in some way. That might occasionally be their names. How many of the 30 flowers that start with R listed above have you already seen? Their stunning patterns and brilliant hues are indeed a delight.

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30 Flowers that Start with R (with Pictures) - Flower Keen (2024)


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