Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (2024)

Essential oil diffusers have become an increasingly popular way to scent and purify the air in homes and offices. Two of the top brands in the diffuser market are Brilliant Scents and Aroma360.

But which one creates better ambiance and provides more benefits?

Here we’ll compare the key features and performance of Brilliant Scents and Aroma360 diffusers to help you determine the best choice.

A Brief Comparison Table

FeatureBrilliant ScentsAroma360
Diffusion MethodUltrasonic, cool mistNebulizing, micro-mist
Area CoverageUp to 500 sq ftUp to 3000 sq ft
Runtime5-20 hours1-8 hours
Oils UsedAny pure essential oilsOnly therapeutic grade
Number of ModelsWide varietyLimited options
Design VarietyMany colors and shapesContemporary styles
Lighting FeaturesYes, multiple typesYes, simple ambient
OperationVery easy, detailed guidanceSimple, less involved
Safety FeaturesAuto shut-off, insulated housingTight seals, whisper-quiet
Budget Pricing$30-$150$100-$300
Visual AppealDynamic billowing mistSubtle, even diffusion
Warranty Length1-2 years5 years

Overview of Brilliant Scents Diffusers

Brilliant Scents offers a wide selection of ultrasonic cool mist diffusers. Their diffusers utilize ultrasonic vibration technology to silently diffuse essential oils as a fine, cool mist into the air.

Models come in various shapes, sizes, reservoir capacities, runtimes, and designs to match different spaces and styles.

Some key details about Brilliant Scents diffusers:

Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (1)
  • Ultrasonic vibration diffusion silently releases soothing aromatic mist
  • Long runtimes up to 20 hours on intermittent mode
  • Auto shut-off feature when water runs low for safety
  • Soft ambient light options on many models
  • Contemporary and creative diffuser vessel shapes and designs
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

Brilliant Scents diffusers work with any brand of 100% pure essential oils.

Simply add 15-20 drops of your preferred oils to the water reservoir based on coverage area.

Some of their most popular diffuser models include the Brilliant Pebble, Luna, Sandstone, and Cascade.

Overview of Aroma360 Diffusers

Aroma360 focuses on a line of electric heat diffusers often referred to as nebulizing or atomizer models. Their diffusers utilize pressurized air to diffuse 100% pure essential oils without the use of heat or water. This process releases a fine micro-mist said to cover up to 3000 square feet.

Here are some key details about Aroma360 diffusers:

Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (2)
  • Nebulizing diffusion mechanically releases pure aromatic micro-mist
  • No heat or water required, designed for pure essential oils only
  • Wide area diffusion coverage up to 3000 square feet
  • Whisper-quiet operation
  • Auto shut-off feature for safety
  • Contemporary vessel shapes and wood grain designs
  • 5-year warranty included

The Aroma360 diffusers work only with 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils, no carriers or fillers.

Their diffuser models include the Aroma360 Premier, Prime, Lite, Prism Plus, Capsule, Orb, and Boost.

Differences Between Brilliant Scents And Aroma360 Diffusers

Now that we’ve covered the basics about each brand, let’s compare some key factors in-depth.

  • Diffusion Methods

The biggest difference between Brilliant Scents and Aroma360 lies in their diffusion methods. Brilliant Scents uses an ultrasonic, water-based, cool mist diffusion.

This quiet method releases soothing micro droplets of essential oils into the air to scent and purify spaces up to 500 square feet. The oil gets diluted into the water reservoir.

Aroma360 uses advanced nebulizing or atomizer technology for diffusion of pure, undiluted essential oil without water. Pressurized air blows across a small tube to turn the oils into an ultra-fine vapor that can cover large spaces up to 3000 square feet.

Brilliant Scents pros: Ultrasonic diffusion is very quiet and releases a visible, aromatic mist great for creating ambiance. Water dilution makes the scented mist gentler.

Aroma360 pros: No water or heat makes diffusion mess-free. Nebulizing is designed for therapeutic effects with pure oil diffusion. Covers more area for whole home or workplace.

  • Area Coverage and Runtime
Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (3)

Brilliant Scents cool mist diffusers run from 5 hours up to 20 hours on intermittent mode, scenting rooms up to 500 square feet.

You’ll get less runtime and coverage on the continuous setting which provides non-stop diffusion.

Runtime varies based on model, water capacity, and other factors like room size and airflow.

These make great personal diffusers for smaller rooms.

Aroma360 nebulizing diffusers cover a much wider range – up to 3000 square feet of space.

However, they typically only run from 1 to 8 hours for a single filling of oil.

Without water dilution, the diffusion rate is higher. These make an excellent choice for whole home, office spaces, studios, clinics and more. Some models offer an intensity control knob to adjust the diffusion rate.

Also Read: Differences Between AromaTech And Aroma360 Diffusers.

  • Essential Oils Used

Brilliant Scents diffusers are designed specifically for use with any brand of 100% pure essential oils. You’ll get the best aromatic results by avoiding fragrance or perfume oils. Brilliant Scents recommends using 15-20 drops of essential oil per use.

More concentrated blends may overpower the ultrasonic waves for diffusion.

The Aroma360 nebulizing models only work with pure, undiluted therapeutic grade essential oils. You’ll want to avoid diluted oils, carrier oils, perfumes, and fragrances. Lower grade oils may contain impurities that can clog the nebulizer. About 10-15 drops oils is the average for Aroma360 models.

Brilliant Scents pros: Works with any properly diluted essential oil brands at an affordable price point. Beginner friendly.

Aroma360 pros: Designed for high quality therapeutic grade oils. No dilution maximizes aromatherapy benefits.

  • Design and Visual Appeal

One of the great perks of essential oil diffusers is their visual appeal as decorative accessories. Brilliant Scents offers a wide variety of aesthetically appealing vessel shapes, colors, and designs to suit any decor. Materials like porcelain, leaded glass, rosewood, and river rocks give an elegant touch.

Options range from modern and minimal to ornate traditional styles. Most models also include ambient LED lights to enhance the mood.

While function is the focus, Aroma360 also offers some beautifully designed diffusers. Sleek contemporary orb and capsule shapes add class. Faux wood grain designs imitate nature. The subtle ambient glow adds nice mood lighting.

While the range of options isn’t as vast as Brilliant Scents, the Aroma360 diffusers still make an attractive addition to living spaces. For the utmost diffusion performance, the industrial looking Premier nebulizer is available.

Brilliant Scents pros: Far wider variety of models, colors, intricate vessel details to elevate decor. More lighting options.

Aroma360 pros: Sleek modern designs still add elegance and ambiance. Premier nebulizer prioritizes diffusion power.

  • Ease of Use and Maintenance

Operating a Brilliant Scents ultrasonic diffuser is very easy. Fill the reservoir with cool water, add 15-20 drops essential oils, turn on the unit, and diffusing begins.

Most models have timer and mist control settings too. To clean, you’ll need to wipe down the surface of the model along with periodically descaling the ultrasonic disk using vinegar.

Aroma360 models are also simple to use. Just add 10-15 drops of essential oil to the absorbent pad, turn the unit on, and aromatic diffusion starts. Without water, spills and messes are minimized.

The exterior surface just needs an occasional wipe down to keep dust free for proper airflow. The absorbent pads will need periodic replacing for optimal diffusion over time.

For maintenance, Brilliant Scents involves a bit more hands on work with the water reservoir and cleaning. But they emphasize user friendliness and have helpful videos for guidance.

The Aroma360 models stay cleaner with less required from you besides replacing parts. So for ease of use, Aroma360 has an advantage.

Brilliant Scents pros: Clear user-friendly instructions make operation nearly foolproof. Detailed guidance videos for cleaning and maintenance.

Aroma360 pros: No water or spills to worry about minimizes messes. Very little required of user for cleaning and care.

Also Read: Differences Between Aera And AromaTech Diffusers.

  • Safety Features

Both Brilliant Scents and Aroma360 emphasize safety in their diffuser design. All models include automatic shut-off sensors tied to the oil or water levels. This helps prevent overheating or dry-burning issues.

Additional protections like slip-proof feet, voltage regulators, insulated wiring, tight lids, and BPA-free plastics guard against electric issues, leaking, tipping, etc. Neither brand produces much excess heat or condensation.

A key distinction is that ultrasonic cool mist models like Brilliant Scents produce more visible mist output. This brings increased risk of breathing in droplets or skin contact. Proper placement out of direct pathways is recommended.

The Aroma360 fine micro-mist penetrates air over a wider zone with less visible vapor accumulation, reducing this concern. For households with kids or pets, Aroma360 may hold an advantage.

Brilliant Scents pros: Numerous smart sensor safeguards built into all models. Generous warranty coverage.

Aroma360 pros: Very minimal visible misting minimizes contact concerns. Whisper-quiet operation won’t disturb kids or pets.

  • Cost Considerations
Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (4)

Brilliant Scents prices typically range from $30 to $80 with the most advanced ultrasonic options hitting up to $150.

Considering their stylish designs, long runtimes, ambient lighting, and product warranty, this offers solid value.

Replacement parts are also very affordable if ever needed. Using tap or distilled water keeps operating costs down over time as well.

The Aroma360 nebulizers fall in the $100 to $300 range for upfront investment.

Justifying the higher price is their unmatched area diffusion coverage, commercial-grade reliability, and 5-year warranties.

Without recurring water and oil dilution, operational costs stay low. The limitation is needing pure therapeutic grade oils which can get very pricey.

Brilliant Scents pros: Wide range of affordable models suiting all budgets. Low long term operating costs. Economical replacement components.

Aroma360 pros: Diffuses 20x more area over time justifying price. Low recurring costs without water or dilution. Excellent warranty provides peace of mind.

  • Ambiance Experience

One area where Brilliant Scents excels is enhancing ambiance with the sights and sounds a diffuser provides. The prominent, uniquely shaped diffusers look great while also emitting a pleasant cool mist.

Custom lighting settings like alternating colors, brightness levels, or sleep timers give more ways to set a mood. The quiet ultrasonic hum adds soothing background noise if desired. Kids especially enjoy watching the billowing vapor.

Aroma360 models prioritize steady, powerful diffusion over impactful visuals and sound. While the designs are nice, the diffused vapor is nearly invisible permeating the air discreetly. Without water bubbling or buzzing transducers, operation is extremely quiet.

The subtle glow from the unit adds some charm for ambiance. If your goal is evenly scenting a large room Aroma360 succeeds wonderfully, just without pronounced visual fanfare.

Brilliant Scents pros: Dynamic visual mist production and decorative designs WOW! Custom mood lighting settings. Gentle ultrasonic sound relaxes.

Aroma360 pros: Whisper-quiet diffusion ideal for undisturbed rest. Subtle soft glow for ambiance. Steady diffusion perfect for large spaces.

Also Read: Lampe Berger Oil Equivalents.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is comparable to Aroma360?

Some of the top brands that offer comparable nebulizing essential oil diffusers like Aroma360 are Organic Aromas, Doterra Serenity, Young Living’s Desert Mist, Radha Beauty’s Atomizer, Eon Essential’s Finn, and Aromis Aroma-Nebula. They provide similar ultrasonic, pressurized diffusion methods for pure essential oils.

What brand of diffuser is best?

The ‘best’ essential oil diffuser brand depends on your specific needs. Brilliant Scents is best overall for affordability, runtime, ambiance, and beginner friendliness in smaller rooms. Aroma360 excels at therapeutic diffusion of pure oils for large whole-home coverage. Other top brands for quality and performance include Organic Aromas, Airnovio, Vitruvi, and Asakuki.

How long does Aroma360 scent last?

When using Aroma360 nebulizing diffusers, an individual filling with 10-15 drops of essential oils will diffuse strongly for 1 to 8 hours based on the model and intensity setting. Higher capacity models like the Aroma360 Premier extend diffusion time even longer. The micro-fine diffusion helps scent linger for awhile even after turning off.

Is Aroma360 and hotel collection the same?

No, Hotel Collection and Aroma360 are separate diffuser brand names not directly affiliated. Hotel Collection focuses more on affordable, portable ultrasonic models often found in hotel and spa lobbies. Aroma360 specializes in higher-end nebulizing essential oil diffusers designed for in-home use and large spaces. Both reputably manufacture quality diffusers.

Closing Remarks

So there you have it – an in-depth feature comparison of Brilliant Scents and Aroma360 diffusers! To recap, Brilliant Scents offers exceptional design variety and ambiance effects at very reasonable prices best for personal spaces.

Aroma360 provides unmatched area coverage at a higher cost for whole-home diffusion performance considering long term savings on oils.

Hopefully breaking down the key strengths of these two quality diffuser brands assists you in determining which suits your aromatherapy needs and budget best! Both Brilliant Scents and Aroma360 guarantee satisfaction with their products.

Reach out with any other questions in the comments below!

Brilliant Scents Vs. Aroma360: Battle of The Diffusers | Ralph's Way (2024)


What is comparable to aroma360? ›

The closest competitor to is

What is the best scent to put in a diffuser? ›

What Are the Best-Smelling Diffuser Scents? Some of the most popular and widely-used diffuser scents include floral scents like lavender, chamomile, jasmine, or herbaceous and woody fragrances such as ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, frankincense, and clary sage.

What is the strongest smelling essential oil for a diffuser? ›

Top Contenders for Strongest Aroma

Some oils are notorious for their powerful scents. Eucalyptus, with its sharp and penetrating aroma, is a prime example; just a few drops can clear sinuses and permeate a room.

Can you use other oils in Aroma360? ›

Our scents contain a specific viscosity to ensure optimal scent distribution and will not damage the internal components of your diffuser. Using any oils other than Aroma360® fragrance oils will cause your diffuser's warranty to be voided.

Is there a difference between cheap and expensive diffusers? ›

Cheap heat diffusers and ultrasonic diffusers can dilute and damage the chemical structure of a high quality oil, resulting in a less-than-ideal scenting experience. For this reason, we always recommend nebulizing, cold-air scent diffusers.

How can I make my aroma diffuser smell stronger? ›

Flipping the reeds of your diffuser will help disturb the base liquid and fragrance oil if they've been stagnant for a while. This will improve the distribution of scent throughout the room. You should aim to flip the reeds of your diffuser weekly or once every couple of weeks to get the most out of the aroma.

What is the best scent for a cold in a diffuser? ›

Diffusing EOs such as Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, or Lavender oil can help reduce cold symptoms. Inhaling these aromatic oils can also help relax the body and mind, clear nasal passages and sinuses, and boost the immune system. All of these can help reduce the duration of your cold.

What essential oils make a house smell good? ›

Clary sage and jasmine will create a heady 'feel good' atmosphere for a party. If you prefer a lighter, fresher aroma, then try orange, lemongrass or neroli. For a festive moment mix frankincense, sandalwood, cinnamon, and sweet orange. Rose, neroli, and lavender are delightful essential oils for the bedroom.

Why can't I smell the essential oils in my diffuser? ›

There are a number of reasons why you might not be able to smell your diffuser. It could be as simple as going noseblind to your chosen scent, the essential oils running out, or saturated reeds.

Are some diffusers better than others? ›

Some heat diffusers use very high levels of heat to cause a stronger aroma, however the best heat diffusers use very low heat to avoid drastically changing the chemical constituents of the oils being diffused.

What holds essential oil smell longest? ›

Carrier oils such as coconut, jojoba or grapeseed are rich in fatty acids which have a similar structure to the natural oils found on the skin. This means they can penetrate the top layer of skin, and retain the essential oil fragrance for much longer than other forms of dilution.

How do I choose a good essential oil diffuser? ›

Always choose a diffuser which does not only provide form but also function. While there are a lot of diffusers that look cool and stylish, they might also offer lesser functionality. A higher quality diffuser may not be the best to look at, but could be more effective. Choose a good balance.

What is the most welcoming scent? ›

Scents that embrace warmth and comfort: Scents like vanilla evoke a sense of coziness and homey warmth. Vanilla-scented candles (such as our Encounters candle) or reed diffusers will create an inviting atmosphere that makes potential buyers feel instantly comfortable and at ease.

Who are Air Aroma competitors? ›

Air Aroma's competitors and similar companies include VML UK, Kenna, Absolute Results and SUNNY SIDE UP GROUP.

What is an alternative to an aroma diffuser? ›

A small pot or bowl of water on top of a slow, moderate heat source is basically the OG diffuser! Just add a few drops of essential oil and place the pot near enough to the heat source to become warm (but not so close as to boil or become a hazard).

What is the alternative to AromaTech? ›

AromaTech's top competitors include Pura Scents, and Vitruvi.


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