Christmas roast potato recipes (2024)

Showing items 1 to 24 of 43

  • Perfect roast potatoes

    A star rating of 4.1 out of 5.18 ratings

    A foolproof recipe for roasties that come out perfect every time.

  • Easy roast potatoes

    A star rating of 4.7 out of 5.11 ratings

    We've created our ultimate recipe for crispy, crunchy roast potatoes – follow our cookery team's top tips to take this classic side dish from standard to sensational

  • App onlyUmami roast potatoes. This is a premium piece of content available to registered users.

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.3 ratings

    Enjoy these super-crisp, savoury roast potatoes with deep umami flavour. They’re a crowd-pleaser – even the most fervent dislikers of yeast extract will be converted

  • Air-fryer roasted canned potatoes

    A star rating of 3 out of 5.7 ratings

    Cook canned potatoes in an air fryer to make these alternative roasties. Though they're not the same as oven-cooked, they do turn golden and crisp

  • A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Tuck into this moreish dish featuring potatoes in a creamy bacon and sprout sauce – it's filling and comforting dish during the winter months

  • A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Beat food waste and infuse the flavours of a Chinese takeaway classic into your leftover roasties. Serve with sweet chilli sauce for dipping, if you like

  • Hasselback roast potatoes

    A star rating of 4.7 out of 5.3 ratings

    Make hasselback potatoes flavoured with garlic and rosemary, rather than just normal roasties. They have unique textures, with crisp edges and buttery middles

  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.1 rating

    Season roasties with smoked paprika and thyme for a punch of smoky heat and herby flavour. Drizzle with oil when turning for golden crunchy roasties

  • Triple-cooked roast potatoes

    A star rating of 3.7 out of 5.6 ratings

    Make these roast potatoes for a special occasion, such as Christmas. They're triple-cooked for flavour and sprinkled with semolina for extra crunch

  • Smashed roasties

    A star rating of 4.9 out of 5.9 ratings

    Boiling the potatoes for longer, then smashing them, makes for more surface area, meaning golden brown beauties and extra crispy bits everyone will love!

  • Crispy skin roasties

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.1 rating

    Try skin-on roasties – not only do they dramatically cut down the prep time, but it makes them more filling and gives them a deeper baked potato flavour

  • Oregano roasties

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Elevate your roasties with the help of oregano. Shake well to roughen up the edges during cooking to create those extra-crispy bits everyone loves

  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Add the festive flavours of chestnut and thyme to take standard roast potatoes up a Christmassy notch or two

  • Really good roast potatoes

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Boil, fluff then crisp up in goose fat and oil for perfect roast potatoes - if you're vegetarian, sunflower oil works just as well

  • A star rating of 3.7 out of 5.3 ratings

    Cut your potatoes smaller so that there's no need to par-boil to achieve perfectly crispy garlic and thyme flavoured spuds, with fluffy centres

  • Golden crunch potatoes

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.1 rating

    We've used some top tricks to come up with the perfect roast potatoes with crisp coatings and fluffy middles

  • Crispy hedgehog spuds with sage

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.3 ratings

    Give your roasties a crispy finish and prepare ahead of time for the ultimate of ease

  • Golden spiced roast potatoes

    A star rating of 4.7 out of 5.3 ratings

    Add a golden glow to your roast potatoes by par-boiling them first with a touch of turmeric

  • Crispy golden spuds

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Crunchy roast potatoes that work every time - use a touch of turmeric for colour and bay and stock for flavour

  • Hasselback potato gratin

    A star rating of 4.9 out of 5.11 ratings

    A Scandinavian bake with herbs and butter - cutting the spuds really thin helps them to crisp up nicely

  • Potato cakes with smoked salmon

    A star rating of 4.4 out of 5.3 ratings

    Irish potato cakes given a modern twist with a classic New York bagel topping

  • Noisette potatoes

    A star rating of 4 out of 5.1 rating

    These offer a sautéed roast flavour and are simply shaped from potatoes

  • Roasted roots

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.3 ratings

    Maximise your oven space by throwing everything into one dish and roasting with goose fat

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Christmas roast potato recipes (2024)


How many roast potatoes for Christmas dinner? ›

Potatoes gonna potate

It's roast potatoes. 200g per person is perfect, and if there are any leftovers you can chuck 'em in a bubble and squeak, hash, or just grab a cold roastie right out of the fridge. This is a no-judgement zone.

Should you boil potatoes before roasting? ›

Do I have to boil potatoes before roasting? Not necessary but this can help get the perfect consistency and crispiness. Make sure you boil them but leave them a bit al dente and they will crisp up perfectly in the oven.

What is the best oil to use for roast potatoes? ›

Vegetable oil is the ideal choice for those who like a subtle, or blander flavour from their roast potatoes, because it cooks best at a medium heat and so the potatoes won't take on too much flavour from the oil. This also means the potatoes won't overpower other dishes.

How many potatoes do I need for 50 people? ›

How Much Food to Serve at a Party
Peas (fresh)12 pounds25 pounds
Potatoes9 pounds18 pounds
Potato salad3 quarts1–1/2 gallons
35 more rows
May 23, 2024

How many roast potatoes for 10 adults? ›

The amounts here are not vital because it depends on who's greedy and who is on a diet and so on. I find that 8 oz (225 g) per person is enough – yielding three each and a few extras for inevitable second helpings!

How many pounds of potatoes per person for Christmas dinner? ›

For 1-2 servings, consider buying a roast turkey breast. **If buying potatoes to make mashed potatoes, buy ½ pound of potatoes per guest.

What happens if you don't soak potatoes before roasting? ›

Yes! Soak the potatoes in cold water to remove the excess starch from the outside of the potato. There are a few reasons why you want to remove that starch (it makes the potatoes burn, it keeps them from crisping up, it turns to sugar) but all you really need to remember is to soak them at least one hour.

Why do you put flour on roast potatoes? ›

Sprinkle your parboiled potatoes with flour. This gives potatoes extra crunch. A tablespoon is all you need! Throw in some whole, unpeeled garlic cloves or a handful of herbs (thyme, sage or rosemary all work well) with the potatoes when adding them to the hot roasting tin.

Which potatoes are best for roasting? ›

While all sorts of potatoes are delicious when roasted in the oven, Yukon Gold potatoes are arguably the best potatoes for roasting for many reasons. Yukon Gold potatoes have the perfect amount of starch, which means they soften well in the oven, while their partially waxy texture helps them maintain their shape.

Why won't my roast potatoes go crispy? ›

Preheat the fat. While the potatoes parboil, add the oil or butter to the roasting pan, transfer it to the warm oven, and heat it for about 5 minutes before adding the potatoes. This allows the outside of the potatoes to crisp up nicely and not just absorb the cold fat when you put them in the oven.

Can you put too much oil in roast potatoes? ›

Roasted potatoes can become soggy if the water content in the potato isn't fully cooked. Different potatoes have different water content percentages. Also, be mindful of the oil. Potatoes can react like sponges; too much oil can make your potatoes appear to be soggy.

Is 5 pounds of potatoes enough for 10 people? ›

Serving Size: As a side dish, you should plan on ½ pound of potatoes per person. That means if you are planning on 10 people, use 5 pounds of potatoes.

How far in advance can you cut potatoes before roasting? ›

If you're prepping with smaller pieces, don't soak for more than 12 hours. This trick is handy, but it'll only work for about 24 hours — so don't prep too far in advance. After too long, they'll start to take on water and may lose their structure when you go to cook them.

How many pounds of potatoes do I need for 20 people? ›

I make about 8 oz of potatoes per guest. At least. That guarantees leftovers. 10 lbs for 20, 100 lbs for 200.

How many potatoes for a roast dinner? ›

How Many Pounds of Potatoes Do You Need Per Person for Dinner?
  • 4 people – 3 pounds (6 large potatoes) 6 people – 4.5 pounds (9 large potatoes) ...
  • 4 people – 2 pounds (4 large potatoes) 6 people – 3 pounds (6 large potatoes) ...
  • 4 people – 2 pounds (4 large potatoes) 6 people – 3 pounds (6 large potatoes)
Nov 19, 2023

How many potatoes do I need for Christmas? ›

5 or 6 each I would plan for. I always cook as many as I can fit in the tray, I like to eat them cold later in the day if there's leftovers. I would say 5 each is enough plus a couple spare. It depends if you're doing mash or other types of potatoes.

How many potatoes are eaten at Christmas? ›

But do you know how much food as a nation we will consume this Christmas? According to research, we will munch through 250 million roast potatoes, 208 million boxes of chocolates and 264 million slices of turkey. We also get through five portions of cheese per person – that's nearly 218 million portions.

How many potatoes per person for dinner? ›

The ultimate potato weight table for feeding a crowd
Number of peopleTotal potato weightNumber of medium-size potatoes needed
10.5 lb.1
42 lbs.4
63 lbs.6
105 lbs.10
Jul 14, 2021


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