Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (2024)

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Two years ago I found a vintage Hazel Atlas Tom And Jerry set at a local antique mall for a really good price. Of course, I snatched it up.

I got all excited about it and shared it on Instagram and chatted about it on Facebook then promptly forgot about it. Months went by and another Christmas season came and went and I still hadn't used my lovely drink set yet.

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (1)

Until last weekend.

And Good Golly, am I ever regretting not trying this bit of holiday magic before now!

Let's just say it's similar to a warm sugar cookie melting effortlessly in your mouth while unicorns singing Christmas carols dance around your head.

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  • Recipe
  • Egg White Whipping Tips
  • Making A Virgin Version
  • History Of The Drink
  • Vintage Holiday Bowl Sets

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (2)

If you're not familiar with the Tom And Jerry drink, it was really popular way back when and a staple of Christmas gatherings. So popular they produced special punch bowls and mugs just for that one drink. And then poof, sometime around the 1960's no one wanted to drink the stuff anymore.

People's tastes had changed and the once iconic holiday drink had fallen onto hard times, but with the recent interest in classic co*cktails and all things retro it is now making a comeback

If you are interested in other holiday-themed co*cktails I have a festive roundup of Christmas co*cktails HERE.

How To Make Tom And Jerrys

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (3)

Tom And Jerry Drink

This classic holiday co*cktail recipe made with Tom And Jerry batter, rum and warm milk exudes nostalgic Christmas spirit!

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Course: Drinks

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 15 minutes minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes minutes

Servings: 48 servings

Calories: 250kcal

Author: Pam Kessler


Tom And Jerry Batter Ingredients

  • 12 Eggs (separated)
  • 1 teaspoon Cream Of Tartar
  • 2 lbs Granulated Sugar (equivalent to 4 ½ cups)
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 stick Butter (softened)
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cloves
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
  • 2 oz Rum

For The Drink

  • 1 heaping tablespoon Tom & Jerry Drink Batter
  • 1 oz Rum
  • 4 oz Hot Milk or Hot Water*
  • Garnish w/ Ground Nutmeg


How To Make Tom And Jerry Batter

  • Separate egg yolks from egg whites and put in two separate bowls.

  • Add cream of tartar to the bowl of egg whites and beat until stiff peaks have formed.

  • In the other bowl, beat egg yolks, sugar and stick of butter until thickened, then add the remaining ingredients of vanilla extract, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and rum.

  • Gently fold the stiff egg whites into the mixture.

  • Cover and store your batter in the refrigerator until it is time to make the drinks. Preferably within a few hours.

Making The Drinks

  • Gently heat milk in a saucepan.

  • Warm your mug by rinsing it with very hot water.

  • To each cup add 1 heaping tablespoon of Tom And Jerry batter, 1 oz of rum and 4 oz of hot milk (hot water can be substituted).

  • Stir until foamy.

  • Garnish with ground nutmeg.


The batter should be refrigerated when not in use and consumed the same day.


Serving: 1mug | Calories: 250kcal

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Tips To Whip Your Eggs To Stiff Peaks

  • Cold eggs separate easier. Room temperature eggs whip to a peak easier.
  • Make sure your mixer or whisk is spotlessly clean and perfectly dry along with your mixing bowl.
  • Speaking of whisks, skip them. It takes quite a while to whisk eggs by hand, so better off using an electric mixer if at all possible.
  • A copper, stainless steel or glass bowl works best. Plastic bowls should be avoided since they can hold onto invisible greases that will wreak havoc on your whites.
  • Do not try to whip eggs on rainy or humid days. Too much humidity in the air will affect the process and will make you cry. Been there, done that and I now avoid rainy days like the plague.

Egg Warning: Yes, this drink is made with raw eggs. The batter should be refrigerated when not in use and consumed the same day. It is not recommended that pregnant women, young children, the infirm or the elderly consume raw eggs. I am in no way an expert on food safety though, so if you have concerns about using raw eggs, you may want to find a raw egg alternative at your local grocery store (you can find an article on Pasteurized Eggs 101 HERE).

Tom And Jerry Drink vs Eggnog

Some might confuse this drink with Eggnog.

They are somewhat similar, but a Tom And Jerry is served warm and Eggnog is served cold. The consistency of the drinks varies also with Eggnog being a thicker heavier drink.

And lastly, Eggnog is all mixed up and ladled out of a big self-service bowl (or God forbid, a milk carton) whereas Tom And Jerry batter is premade, but the drinks are mixed one by one as they are needed.

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (4)

Where Did The Name Come From?

It's debatable who created this classic holiday co*cktail.

Some say Jerry Thomas, a bartender in New York who was author to one of the first bartenders guides, concocted the drink back in 1847. So the name Tom And Jerry would be a combination of his last and first name.

The other theory is Pierce Egan, an English journalist and writer, created and named the drink after characters in his 1820's novel called "Life In London, Or The Day And Night Scenes Of Jerry Hawthorn Esq. And His Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom". Could there be a longer title for a book?

It definitely was not named after the cat and mouse cartoon duo. That I do know!

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (5)

Tom And Jerry Drink Bowl Sets

Popular in the 1940's, there were quite a few varieties of the bowl sets made.

The ones you will see most often were made by Hazel Atlas. They were white milk glass featuring a holiday scene in red and green and normally emblazoned with the drink name on both the bowl and cups.

Homer Laughlin made some "fancier" cream-colored ceramic bowl sets that were gold-rimmed with matching lettering. No scenes, just the words Tom And Jerry.

Just this year I purchased this beauty at a thrift store for $4.99.

It only had 4 cups with it and the gold lettering on the bowl is scratched in a few places, but for the cost coupled with my love for these old bowl sets, it had to come home with me.

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (6)

Hall China had a similar set, but with black bowls with gold lettering. A much more serious and formal look.

Anchor Hocking's Fire King had some iridescent cups and bowls in their Peach Lustre line (which was really more of a shiny rose gold than a true peach, if you ask me). It's sort of an odd color for a Christmas drink set, but it's one that collectors are always on the lookout for.

I do have to say, I think the classic red and green on white milk glass produced by Hazel Atlas ones are my favorites! Some say they are a little too kitschy. In my book there is never too much kitschiness for Christmas!

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (7)

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Where To Find Vintage Tom And Jerry Punch Bowl Sets

Etsy or Ebay are your best bets. Sure you can run across one at the thrift store or estate sale once in a blue moon, but full sets are becoming more rare to find.

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (8)

Do You Have To Have A Fancy Matching Drink Set?

Absolutely not. It does make it a bit more festive and nostalgic, but using a glass punch set (COMMONLY found at thrift stores, BTW), Santa mugs or even regular old coffee mugs will work just as well. Heck, make them in a paper cup if you want.

How To Make A Virgin Version

Well, this is pretty easy. If serving this to kiddos and non-drinkers, just skip the rum in the batter altogether and then when mixing the drinks in your glasses, skip the rum there also. It is still an awesome, festive and tasty drink without the rum.

Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (9)
Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (10)

Check out the web story version of this article HERE.

Have you ever had one of these magical holiday drinks? Were there any unicorns involved?

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Tom And Jerry Drink Recipe (2024)


What is a Tom and Jerry drink made of? ›

How to Make a Tom and Jerry co*cktail. Fill a mug with hot water and spiced rum or brandy (to taste), warm milk, hot cocoa, or eggnog. Top with one heaping tablespoon of Tom and Jerry batter and stir.

What's the difference between Tom and Jerry and hot buttered rum? ›

While both are hot, alcoholic beverages, their ingredients differ. Tom and Jerrys are also often made with rum, though they can also be made with whiskey or vodka. Both are also spiced. However, a batter instead of butter (see what we did there?) is used to make a Tom and Jerry rich and creamy.

How do they make Tom and Jerry? ›

The older Tom and Jerry is a 'Traditional style animation', which is created by paper flipping animation. They created this by drawing sketch drawings and using paint for color. The new Tom and Jerry is computer; 3D Engine made, and is still near to a 'Traditional Style'.

Why is the drink called a Tom and Jerry? ›

The Tom and Jerry's origins are frequently traced back to a clever publicity stunt orchestrated by the British journalist Pierce Egan. The story goes that Egan added brandy to eggnog to create a signature co*cktail to promote his 1821 book, Life in London, or The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn Esq.

How did the Tom and Jerry co*cktail get its name? ›

I named the drink after myself, kinder familiarly: I had two small white mice in those days, one of them I called Tom and the other Jerry, so I combined the abbreviations in the drink, as Jeremiah P. Thomas would have sounded rather heavy, and that wouldn't have done for a beverage.

Where did Tom and Jerry drink originate? ›

A Tom and Jerry is a traditional Christmas-time co*cktail in the United States, sometimes attributed to British writer and professional boxing journalist Pierce Egan in the 1820s. It is a variant of eggnog with brandy and rum added and served hot, usually in a mug or a bowl. Separate eggs.

What makes Tom and Jerry so good? ›

Tom & Jerry is popular because of the very idea of friendship, the obviousness of the results of the cat's tries of mouse's abuse, and the ways out the characters are able to find in the situations they appear.

What happened to the creator of Tom and Jerry? ›

According to Deitch, although he was followed by the StB and his phone was tapped, he was never aware of their presence and was never interrogated nor arrested. in 2008, Deitch retired from making cartoons. Deitch died in Prague on April 16, 2020, at the age of 95.

Who invented Tom and Jerry drink? ›

The frothy, comforting drink is perfect for chasing away the cold of winter. The invention of the Tom and Jerry co*cktail is generally credited to British journalist Pierce Egan in the 1820's. Mr. Egan wrote a book, and subsequent play, called Life in London, in which the main characters are named Tom and Jerry.

Is Tom and Jerry a Wisconsin drink? ›

The Tom and Jerry was invented in London, but 200 years later, it's Wisconsin and Minnesota that carry the torch for this sweet and rich drink. The hot-batter co*cktail remains a regional obsession.

What rum is best for buttered rum? ›

The Demerara rums from El Dorado work wonders, as does a robust Jamaican rum like Coruba, or something dark and mellow like Zaya or Zacapa. This recipe makes enough batter for several drinks and keeps well in the fridge.

What is the original Tom and Jerry? ›

In 1939, while still at MGM the duo started work on their first film. It was called 'Puss Gets the Boot' and was released on this day in 1940. Under 10 minutes in length, the animated cartoon told the story of a cat named Jasper who gets off on playing pranks and terrorising a mouse called Jinx.

Was Tom and Jerry for deaf people? ›

Tom and Jerry were created without voices primarily for comedic effect. The creators of the cartoon series, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, believed that the characters' actions and expressions would be more effective in telling a story than their voices.

What cut of meat is Tom and Jerry? ›

This steak is a cross section of a steer's leg and is often sold as a “Bone in Arm Roast”. Because the steak is a cross sectional leg cut it results in several noteworthy features. . . . . .

What's the difference between a Tom and Jerry and eggnog? ›

Even though it's a pretty old-fashioned drink, it's still a popular selection around the holidays, particularly in the Midwest. While this drink is often compared to eggnog, it is a completely different drink. The main difference is that a Tom & Jerry is served warm, and the drink is built in the serving mug.

What is the difference between egg Nog and Tom & Jerry? ›

Eggnog is typically served cold, with or without ice. Another classic and traditional holiday co*cktail is The Tom and Jerry. Created in the early 1800s, it is a twist on the traditional eggnog, served with brandy and rum, and served hot.

What is the best liquor for Tom and Jerry reddit? ›

I prefer the red and white striped ones in the grocery store. One shot brandy. One shot rum. Water in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.


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