Woodworkers Hand Tools - An Essential Guide (PDF) @ PDF Room (2024)

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    Summary Woodworkers Hand Tools - An Essential Guide

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    $24.95Can. $36.95W o o d w o r k e r s are only as good as the hand toolsthey use—and the only way to get the most out ofthem is to know the essentials about them: Whichones you can't do without or that do a certain jobbetter than others. What techniques they're best for.How to keep yours in top condition. That 's why thisguide is vital to every craftsman who wants to workon wood with confidence.The importance of precision is unrivaled—andmarking and measuring tools are the foundation ofaccuracy, from awls to trammel points. Also criticalare saws. What's out there? Which ones should youuse when? Unders tand the terms used to describethem, their teeth, and their cutting action.Only hand-planing or scraping can produce the"burnished patches" we all appreciate in wood asopposed to the smooth, artificial surfaces of plasticlaminates. Shaping tools are also special because nomachine can duplicate their results. When it's time tofine-tune a joint, that's when you reach for a chisel. Tomake that smooth round-over on a cabriole leg, only(continued on back flap)

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    Production StaffDesign: Sandy Freeman Illustrations: Triad Design Group, Ltd.Cover Design: Karen Nelson Copy Editor: Barbara Mcintosh WebbPhotography: Christopher J. Vendetta Page Layout: Sandy FreemanCover Photo: Bill Milne Index: Nan BadgettLibrary of Congress The written instructions, photographs, illustra-Cataloging-in-Publicah'on Data Available tions,and projects in this volume are intendedfor the personal use of the reader and may bereproduced for that purpose only. Any otheruse, especially commercial use, is forbiddenunder law without the written permission ofthe copyright holder.Every effort has been made to ensure that all thePublished by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. information in this book is accurate. However,387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 due to differing conditions, tools, and individ-c2001 by Rick Peters usul skill, the publisher cannot be responsible forDistributed in Canada by Sterling Publishing any injuries, losses, or other damages whichCanadian Manda Group may result from the use of information in thisone antic Avenue, Suite 105 bok.Toronto Ontario, Canada M6K 3E7distributed in Great Britain and Europe byPLC, Wellington House, 125 Strand,WC2R OBB, EnglandDistributed in Australia by Capricorn LinkPry. l td .Windsor, NSW 2756 AustraliaChinareserved: •: :r3-666i-o• • • : . • ; * • '•. ' , . « , p - \ * - » " % • • 1 1 - • • • •* ' • • * *s ' -r -' \ '• • « # " /

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    CONTENTSAcknowledgments... 4Introduction... 5MEASURING AND MARKING TOOLS... 6CUTTING TOOLS... 38SMOOTHING TOOLS... 58SHAPING TOOLS... 106A ASSEMBLY TOOLS... B8• CLAMPING TOOLS... IS6V SHARPENING TOOLS... 172Appendix: Restoring Old Hand Tools... 188Index... 190

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFor all their help, advice, and support,I offer special thanks to:Christopher Vendetta, ace photographer,for taking such beautiful photographs inless than desirable conditions (my dustyworkshop) and under such tight deadlines.William Warner, antique tool aficio-nado, for allowing Chris and me to comeinto his home and photograph just a tinyportion of his incredible tool collection.All of the luscious tools shown in the begin-ning of each chapter are from Williamscollection.Sandy Freeman, book designer extraor-David Sendall with American Tooldinaire, whose exquisite art talents areCompanies, Inc., manufacturers of suchevident on every page of this book.trusted names as Marples, Record, Irwin,and Quick-Grip, for supplying numerous Barb Webb, copyediting whiz, for ferret-products, photos, illustrations, and tech- ing out mistakes and gently suggestingnical information. corrections.John Economaki of Bridge City Tool Greg Kopfer with the Triad DesignWorks for lending me just a small port ion Group for his superb illustrations.of the fabulous measurement and layoutHeartfelt thanks to my family: Cheryl,tools they manufacture.Lynne, Will, and Beth, for putting up withTom Lie-Nielsen of Lie-Nielsen Tool- the craziness that goes with writing a bookworks, Inc., for supplying me with some of and living with a woodworker: late nights,his world-class planes, saws, and scrapers. short weekends, wood everywhere, noise(Sure, I'm sending them back, Tom. They're from the shop, and sawdust footprints inin the mail—really.) the house.Jessica Burtt with DMT (Diamond And finally, words can't express myMachining Technology, Inc.) for supplying gratitude to my wife, Cheryl, for taking offphotos, product, and technical information the rough edges and smoothing out theon their most excellent diamond stones. manuscript. Thanks, Love.

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    INTRODUCTIONMy love of hand tools began when my and 11,1 received my first power tools, am o m gave me a tool set for my sixth birth- Black & Decker jigsaw and finish sanderday. You may even know it—the classic (now collectors' items; still have them, too).Popular Mechanics blue-handled tools in Although now I have a fully equippedthe wood case. Man, I loved that set. Even shop that rivals Norm's, I still love my handthough it was almost bigger than me, I'd tote tools and I use them every chance I get.it around the house "fixing" things. One of Occasionally, I'll build something com-the first things I "fixed" was a coffee table in pletely by hand just to slow things downthe front room that was too high for me. and "connect" with the wood. WorkingOut came the ruler to carefully measure 6" wood with hand tools for me has alwaysup from the bottom of each leg. Then I used been a joyful experience that I just don't getmy very own saw to lop off each leg at the from power tools. It's very personal—themark: a lot of work, but I was the "man" for feel of the wood as it responds to the toolsthe job. Heck, I even sanded the bottom of edge. There's nothing quite like it.each leg before flipping the table back over If you haven't had the chance to build(no simple task when something entirely byyou're six). hand, especially if youMom, needless to say, start with a rough-sawnwas not impressed. The plank and hand-plane it,saw went away. And over I heartily recommend it.the next few weeks, so Even if it looks awful indid almost everything the end (like my firstelse, one tool at a time, dovetailed box—yikes!),until I was left with a ruler and a try square you'll be glad you made the effort. If noth-(do you know how much neat stuff is inside ing else, it will give you a profound appreci-a toaster?). Anyway, my passion for tools was ation for cabinetmakers of yore. You mightso strong and so obvious that I often even get hooked.received tools instead of toys as gifts at Just stay away from the coffee table.Christmas or birthdays. My brother Jimgave me my first real toolbox: a blue metal Rick Petersunion-made box. I still have it. At ages 10 Fall 2001

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    "...for the strength and durability of any structure, independentof the material, depends on precision, and any inaccuracy notonly frequently impairs outward beauty, but produces, in acorresponding degree, a real want of firmness and stability."BLACKIE & SONS (1853)MEASURINGand MARKINGTOOLSIn woodworking, doing a project "by the numbers" isn't a mark ofmediocrity, or same old same old; it's absolutely vital. The "numbers"involved, of course, are the dimensions of the wood being worked. W h e nyou don't measure and lay out with precision—as Mr. Blackie notes—youcan end up with a piece that lacks not only beauty but also durability.Your shop tools might be the finest and sharpest available. But if youcan't both measure and mark accurately those tools are virtually worthless.Look at the rosewood, ivory and brass in the photo at left—this wasn'tmere indulgence. Woodworkers of yore knew that these quality materialswere worth the relative high cost at the time (just one of these beautiescould have cost a couple of months' worth of wages). Our predecessors inthe craft understood the importance of buying quality to create quality Andlike famed cabinetmakers Blackie & Sons, they knew full well the impor-tance of precision. There are lots of steps involved in crafting a fine piecewith confidence—and every one relies on going "by the numbers."Clockwise from top left: an "American Combined Level and Grade Finder," patentedin 1904; a handmade 24" panel gauge; a folding rule No. 15, made by C. S. Co.;calipers (brass with steel legs); Stanley No. 5 trammel points; a 71/2" combined tryand miter square, made by Stanley Tools; a Stanley No. 7 scratch awl; Henry Disstonand Sons' mortise gauge; and a Stanley No. 40 ivory and German silver caliper rule.

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    MARKING TOOLSIf you were to ask most woodworkers whatthe foundation of accuracy is, they'd likely saythe ruler, the tape measure, or the square. ButI've always felt it's the marking tools you choose.Granted, the rule, tape measure, and square areessential to precision; but without a clean, crispmarking tool, all their accuracy is for naught.PencilsThe most common marking tool in theshop is a pencil (top photo). A carpenter's pencil isnot suitable for intricate layout work; with itsthick lead and cumbersome body, it's best leftfor initial layout of rough boards. Many wood-workers use a standard No. 2 pencil for theirlayout work. This is certainly better than a car-penter's pencil, but it can still add significanterrors to your work. The reason is that the linethickness varies as the lead wears (middle draw-ing). This might seem trivial, but it's not.Say, for example, you're laying out dovetails NO. 2 PENCILfor a set of drawers. If you use a standard pencil,the lead will wear considerably. Unless you con-stantly sharpen it, you can introduce anywherefrom 1/32" to 1/16" of error from start to finish (nowonder those dovetails don't fit!). My choice forall-around layout work is a mechanical pencil MECHANICALPENCILwith a 5 m m lead. This leaves a crisp, even line—even as it wears.Marking knivesW h e n accuracy is para-mount , I reach for a markingknife (bottom photo). As long as it'ssharp, a marking knife producesan extremely fine line on a board.On the plus side, this can helpguide a chisel or saw during acut. The downside to this is thatcutting into the wood can leavemarks that may need to beremoved later.

    Woodworkers Hand Tools - An Essential Guide (PDF) @ PDF Room (2024)


    Which tool is considered as one of the essential tools for woodworking and there are different kinds of square that we can use? ›

    A try square or try-square is a woodworking tool used for marking and checking 90° angles on pieces of wood. Though woodworkers use many different types of square, the try square is considered one of the essential tools for woodworking.

    Can you do woodworking with only hand tools? ›

    Yes, here at Wood And Shop we focus mostly on using woodworking hand tools, but in my opinion, quality traditional style furniture can also be built using woodworking power tools.

    What is the most useful tool for woodworking? ›

    Woodworking Tools List
    • #1: The Claw Hammer. Let's start with perhaps the most basic tool in every household – the claw hammer. ...
    • #2: The Tape Measure. ...
    • #3: The Utility Knife. ...
    • #5: The Chisel. ...
    • #6: The Level. ...
    • #7: The Screwdriver. ...
    • #8: The Nail Set. ...
    • #9: The Sliding Bevel.

    What is the most important hand tool? ›

    The most important hand tools that every home should have includes a hammer and screwdrivers. These are two of the most basic tools that everyone should have. It allows you to complete simple DIY tasks or repairs around the home. In addition to that, a tape measure is also vital.

    Are hand tools better than power tools for woodworking? ›

    Skilled craftsmen may achieve similar quality with hand tools, but machines provide a more consistent and reliable output. Automated woodworking tools, like CNC machines, offer exceptional adaptability. They can quickly produce various workpieces in different shapes and sizes.

    What is the most important thing when using hand tools? ›

    Hand Tools Safety Tips
    • Inspect your tools before each use to make sure they are in good condition.
    • Be sure to use the proper tool for the job at hand.
    • Use gloves, eye protection, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as needed.
    • Always be alert and focus on the task at hand.
    Dec 29, 2023

    What is the first tool you should get when starting woodworking? ›

    Table Saw. Most beginning woodworkers invest in a table saw early in the game. Table saws produce cuts that aren't easily achieved with other saw types. They're designed like upside down circular saws where the blade is exposed from below the saw table or work surface.

    What not to do with hand tools? ›

    Do not use tools for jobs they are not intended to do. For example, do not use a slot screw drivers as a chisel, pry bar, wedge or punch or wrenches as hammers. Do not apply excessive force or pressure on tools. Do not cut towards yourself when using cutting tools.

    What is woodworking without nails called? ›

    Sashimono” is a technique for assembling furniture and other wooden items without nails, using both simple and highly complex wood joints. Mortises or grooves called 'hozo' are carved into the wood in order to join two boards in a blind joint that's not visible from the surface.

    What company makes the best woodworking tools? ›

    Detailed Analysis of Top Woodworking Tool Brands
    1. Dewalt. When it comes to woodworking, Dewalt is a power tool company that stands out from the rest. ...
    2. Milwaukee. ...
    3. Bosch. ...
    4. Makita. ...
    5. Ridgid. ...
    6. Ryobi. ...
    7. Craftsman. ...
    8. Black & Decker.
    Sep 11, 2023

    What are the basic hand tools used inside the workshop? ›

    Tools include:

    Bits- Multi-purpose bits, metal bits, hole saws, forstner bits, countersinks, etc. Pliers-locking pliers, needle nose pliers, diagonal snips, flush cutters, etc. Screwdrivers- phillips, flat-head, torx, etc. Hammers- ball-peen hammer, claw hammer, rubber mallet, etc.

    What woods are easiest for hand tools? ›

    Start with easy to work woods like poplar, pine and mahogany. Avoid knots at all costs, and only step up to the much harder woods and exotics once you understand the basics. Once you have enough experience with your hand tools, you'll know what they can do quickly and you'll know when you need to slow down.

    What is a carpenter's square also called? ›

    Introduction The carpenter's square was invented centuries ago, and is also called a builder's, flat, framing, rafter, and a steel square. It was patented in 1819 by Silas Hawes, a blacksmith from South Shaftsbury, Vermont. The standard square has a 24 x 2 inch blade with a 16 x 1.5 inch tongue.

    What is the use of tri square? ›

    A try square or try-square is a woodworking tool used for marking and checking 90° angles on pieces of wood. Though woodworkers use many different types of square, the try square is considered one of the essential tools for woodworking. A try square with a steel blade rivetted into a wooden stock faced with brass.

    What are the 3 types of tools? ›

    • Cutting and edge tools, such as the knife, sickle, scythe, hatchet, and axe, are wedge-shaped implements that produce a shearing force along a narrow face. ...
    • Moving tools move large and tiny items. ...
    • Tools that enact chemical changes, including temperature and ignition, such as lighters and blowtorches.


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    Name: Tyson Zemlak

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    Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.