Danville Register and Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)

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THE DANVILLE REGISTER AUGUST 26 1913 HELPLESS AS BABY and What Helped Her A TUESDAY AUGUST 26 1913 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY NEWS THROUGHOUT VIRGINIA 1 Of Course the 7 Oats measured four Jeqtthree tf 1 11 Hay No at No S41W a Proportionate fares from all Other Stop Look! Listen esHar US( 't I SNEAD SON DANVILLE VA Uld tapers for saje at this offloa 1090 1000 975 925 875 8 RO 775 $11 9 psvchologieal and the men They demand check system the discharge merhants coincide in the that newspaper publicity forms the best and most Window display distribu Virglrila Kansas Minnesota Nebraska Ohio she received an ugly gash on her elbow we ul be fur life him can $18 16 17 13 Senate Bacon (Arki) Swnn Ixdge then said the Mrs 16 11 54 10 32 94 04 05 40 BUGGIES AND HARNEM 102 MAIN 8T 68 30 seven Thousands of fanners will tics Advertising to its persistent attractiveness If how to "advertise 1 $56 37 C2 49 convict labor In this way the amount of $120000 in mongy and labor will be expended on the high ways of the county Uneeda Biscuit bring the bak ery to you a Pi 854 Mrs Otey Commits Suicide Mrs Lucy Otrjy widow of Col onel Kirkwood Otey of the Eleventh Virginia Regiment in the Civil war who had for years been prominent in memorial charitable and philan thropic work in Lynchburg commit ted suicide at her home in Lynch burg Sunday morning by cutting her Ihroat with aknife while in a melan choly condition The body was found several hours after death ensued 65 86 13 50 Negro Holds LfpWhite Tolley a resident view lfeights was Jield up bed Saturday at 4:30 ad Lynchburg by a negro of good description Jliis 4geen mm ini ii i i 1 1 i iv i Western Editor inds His Gait When He Goes Back to Nature (Kansas City Star) When the Wellington Journal back to Nature it takes unhobble 1 strides and carries no impediments Just listen to it call down proud mat: for his artificialities and his foibles: drinks hiskey that clogs the valves he drinks beer and that clogs the wheels he downs lemonade gin ger ale buttermilk Ice tea coffee and what not and then wonders why thRollers "flip not' bnrstlf you shonir)' take an ox and put him through a like performance ho would be dead in a month simplest and 'plainest laws of health are outraged every day by the average man Bid Adam mbk cr wea corset? Bld Solomon chew tobacco? Did Ruth chew gum? Did the childrn of Isa make for a beer garden after cross ing the Red sea? Did Rebeca chew chocolate bonbons and ice cream and call for soda water? the first man and was made perfect from head to how long would he remain so after eating pie liefore going to bed? Suppose he had slept in a bedroom 5 by 7 with the windows closed down the doors shut and two dogs under the bed! Eve had been laced up In a corset worn tight shoes hobble fig leaves and sat up all hours of" the night eating chicken salad and Welsn rarebits mid trying" to keep on four pounds of dead people's A complete line of new all and Winter abrics awaits: your Inspection here The1 line Is well selected Tha variety of pattern Is and the price range Is wide slanting Jn vour direction DISCRIMINATION IN AVOR MONEY are kept at camp put upoiif thelr trail previous to this a man ourth Mountain Excursion to West ern North Carolina Thursday Au gust 28 1913 via Southern Rail way Round trip fares toABhevnloand mack Mountain: rom Richmond West Point Amelia Burkeville Chase City In Jail or Safekeeping' Gilbert Walker colored aged twenty two years has been lodged In Charlottesville jail charged with at tacking Miss Annie Hammer a vearold white girl of Scottsville Albemarle county Wtilkpr fled after alleged crime but was caught In the southern end ofc the county When captured guilt and there were threats of a lynching safety the Scottsville placed 'him In nil automobile rushed hint to Charlottesville Bonds for Road Improvement Thq highways committee of tho Charlottesville Chamber' of 'Com merce lias decided to request tho city for a bond Issue of $20000 for Inwroving Jhixjomls the Clinr lottesvillo district It is stated on good authority' thnt county will grant the equivalent of both sums in Doctor Makes Assault The wildest excitement was crest 1 ed among patients nurscs Mnd 1 ers at the Richmond Hospital Sun day night shortly before" 9 when William ITughes a negro doc tor attempted it was claimed to throw the mother of a dying patient out of a second story window Ho 71 31 OS 8f end of the bo confessed nia immediate or better authorities and LONGSHOREMEN STRIKE New" York 'Aug One thousand longshoremen employed on the docks of tho Hamburg American Line in Hoboken went on strike this after noon The arrival of the liners Pres ident Lincoln and Kalsorinc Augusta Victoria furnished the 'moment for lie strike walked out fin a body restoration of the pay recently abolished and of non union workmen A food to live on Stamina for work ers Strength for the delicate Give them to the little folks ive cents 1 pays In proportion its inelligence and one does not know this paper will Vlias made a study of tho UusBiess to aid Any one who desires such aid secure It promptly by telephoning No 21 and stating what he desires This fall and winter offer a better opportunity for effective advertising by Danville merchants and for larger returns therefrom than ever before Virginia Illinois Ohio Towa REE AND UNHOBBLED Causes Sensation Charging conspiracy on the part of witnesses for the defense in the pre liminary trial of Thomas Emanuel and Leo Alger charged with cutting to death Oswald Gray In the Blue Ridge of Page county August 8 Attorney Keyser created a sensation in the case Sat urday at Luray slve and Keysville to Clarksville in clusive and to HendersoVllle "Hot Springs Lake Toxaway and Waynes ville Tickets will be honored on all regular trains on August 28th and will be good returning fifteen days from date of sale This will be the last excursion o1 the season om this territory to thy wonderful resort Section of Westjra North Carolina or tickets booklets bn the Land of tho Sky and further informatics call on nearest Southern Railway agent or write 3 BURGESS A AdvL Richmond Va There Is a design for every taste and a pattern for every purse fTeie Come to sure! Gerber Greenfield i TAILORS 547 Main St 2 doors above Majestic nuniVNMl BusIoms or irculiiiion Dept No zi Bailor or Reporters No BIG GOOD ROADS MEET i 'Jefferson 'City Mo Aug Gov ernor Major today sent letters to all 'governors In the union asking ahem to name delegates to'' represent theii States and to come themselves to the United States Good Roads convex Hon in St Louis NovcoiIkt 10 to Bo TOs conventioiC JR Consider try Ing to Congress to extend federal aid to Um tjood roads Decides Mooted Question Roanoke Elks are jubilant over in formation received by James Mcall secretaryof Roanoke lodge No 197 to the effort that ballots already cast in a vote taken by mail among eleven trustees of the National homewho had the matter of location un der consideration gave a clear ma jority of three in favor of the Bed i site" Man" Of ran aniKrob in South whom a given to the police Tolley 'was ordered Ho hold hands' point of a revolver and made to disgorge his money which amounted to $107 The negro still covering the white man with his revolver backed away and just before turning to run fired one shot at Mr Tolley The ball went wild 5 Big ire At CharlestonM7 Charleston Va Aug 25 The plant of the Charleston Milling Provision company was dbstroyed by fire" tonight causing a loss of $165 000 A defective electric wire was responsible the stock of fine fresh iuUVllV ness and Hurries we are ind Negro Rockbridge county is being search ed carefully In the hope of locating the man who dragged Airs Scott Moore from her bed at Lexington and bore her outside the house Many eports are heard but none of them as yet have proved to be true Airs Moore is confident thabdier assailant was a colored man While io see him as he dragged her' through tho house she go't a look at him at ter she was on the She saw that he was a negro It is that not the slightest trace of fugitive has been discovered Aloore is recovering rapidly VIRGINIA LEADS MIDDLE WEST StatlstlcsThat Every armer Shield Know and Use to His Advantage Not many persons in Virginia know that farm values in the Old Domin ion even in staple products are ahead of the Middle Western States yet such is the fact as has been frequently set forth in these columns but it a fnct that will bear repeating when fa vorable opportui ity presents itself When one thinks 'of wheat he thinks of Kansas and yet the acreage value of wheat in Virginia exceeds that of Kansas In corp: Virginia irnds the country acreage value in 1912 being $1704 In oats Virginia excelled every State i except Iowa Virginia's acreage value on hay was ahead of any State in the Union and only Pennsylvania had a slight lead In the matfbr of Statistics show that it would pay (he Western farmer to sell out his $150 land and move to Virginia to make the 'same crop' that be made out West for the reason that he ym get lands cheaper and the cropyho ralsjs will net him iuorc money with less labor? The figure's compiled by Commis sioncri Koiner of the State Agricul tural Department speak for them selves Here they are: Corn (arm value 31 1912) Per Acre $17 4 Chaloner 'Invites' Thaw John Armstrong Chaloner has in vited Harry zThdw to make his home in Virginia after he gers back to the United States from "Virginia is the safest place in America Chaloner says this Stat? a sane man is1 ed justice 'In New York he dJeS not get a fair deal SPECULATION AS TO THAW The consensus of newspaper opin ion as to the outcome 'of the Thaw case in Canada Is that the' Dominion government will cither" rreturn thy fugm to the point in Vermont whence he Crossed Into Canada or Ise that 'twill release him us sandund' penult him to go whithersoever Until a short time ago scarcely one person iii a thousand had ever tasted a really good spda as it came fresh arid crisD from the oven to the reasonable prices we are aak I ing for these goods The goods will ao tne rest ho will This view 's laregly a spicu lativo one for naturally tho Canadian judicial authorities afo hardly likely toouflde their future intentions to any one in advance of ti formal de termination ot tlie issues involved in the case As for our owjyiew of tho case wo have never 'anticipated that Can ada' would undertake to bold cus tody of Thaw aa a lunatic nor: that it 18 likely to undertake to pass upon the question of his sanity or insan ity Inasmuch as that issue has been twice or thrice "determined by the authorities of 'an adjoining' nation or by one of the States composing that nation we anticipate that the com ity existing between the authorities of tha two nations will impel the Do minion government to accept the New York judgment as to sanity and that self interest will im pel them to be rid of an alien who is liablo to bepme a public charge and a rather expensive one Whether the Dominion will merely return the refugee to the point on the border whence he crossed or will under take to1 restore to the State whence bn oscnnccl is problematical and any opinion on1 that point is purely speculative Tn any event anticipate that when the case is timately disposed of Thaw will returned to ATatteawan I 1 at our store the first time you are in our LOL be welcomed: Convicts Escape Three convicts from the camp just outside Culpeper in which is the force that is engaged in' macadamiz ing the Aladison Road made their escape at an early 'nouri Saturday morning and as yet have not been apprehended though the blood hounds which were at once Several nights made his escape in the night thougn lie was chained to his companions in the long sleeping tent and a guard wn rlntv nutslrlnj i Kills Bia Rattler Captain A Kibler connected witli the Al I Summer School at Rockbridge has a very: exciting en counted with rattlesnakes Captain Kibler has been accustomed to make daily trips into the hills With his dog and ritlo On Saturday he went as usual and feeling fatigued laid down in the shade of souie" trees near of old rocks He awoke" some minutes later with a buzzing in his car and looking around beheld sev en rattlers about him Captain Klh 1 ler succeeded in killing three and he brought one of them back to the Hotel uiivmvo 4 Ti Summit Point Mrs' AnM Belle Emey ot this place says: suf fered for 15 years with an awiul pain in my right side caused from 1 womanly trouble and doctored lots for it but with out success 1 suffered so very much that 1 became down in mind and as help less as a baby 1 was in the worst kind of shape Was unable to do any work I began taking Cardui the tonic and got relief from thd very first dose By the time 1 had taken 12 bot tles my health was completely restored I am how 48 years years oid but tee! aa good as 1 did when only 16 Cardui certainly saved me from losing my mind and 1 feel it my duty to speaE in its favor I wish 1 had some power over poor suffering women and could make them know the good it would do v'k If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women it will certainly be worth your while to give Cardui a trial It has been helping weak women foe more than 50 years and will help you too 1 Try Cardur Yoiir dniggistsells IL W'ritf to: Ch4ttnooga Medicine Co Ladin) Advisory Dept Chattanooga Tenn for ImtruotioHo on your case and 64 paa book Treatment for in nlaln wrason N0 1 1 APPLIED MATHEMATICS 1 sometimes wonder the Of squaring the Hypothenuso unless it be to tease Things must le called Of course 1 know that mathematics Are mental stunts acrobat To give the brain drill gymnastic And make grnv matter more Is that why Euclid has employed Trapezium and trapezoid? I wonder vet It seems to me That all the Plain Geometr Ono needs is just his simple feat Whate'er your line make both ends meet! Annn Young in ATag hzine Ton are going to do some pain tint This i Spring and will also want some rooms papered I'jfcsli1 We know that we can do this work for you In a satisfactory manner and would like to talk matters over with you now You want a little time to think about It and our samples and! suggestions are sure to be a help tj No Matter Whether the Job is Big or Little it Will Pay You to See Us I il We carry full lines Paints Oils and Varnishes Beof Paint Brushes etc In fact everything in our line at law' est prices Purdum Maia Street forunnn nn Hin mrf rf aUfor ntwl DU0 1116 1 xi i lurt uui ii? Hl Lilts inu woman Harriet Rollins forty flvn points est Point to Danville inclu ivn nH xr 1 1 zx 1 1 A years old of 419 West Baker street was pushed through a windowpane and left rxoK rouR TM THE REGISTER WILSON WILL READ TOCONGRESSTODAY MESSAGE Virginia Nort li Dakota Nebraska Iowa I'Ty'Uo Potatoes Virginia" Minnesota Pennsylvania Indiana Now ReadyJg $11 11 11 SnnsCRirTtON DAIlV la city I11 suburbs by carrier br mall X) a year or $250 for uontbs if pnlil in advance otherwise month 111 be charged In adilnws or ramplaints to HONE WKKKIY $1 00 a year or bOe for six mouths payable Invariably in advance NO COMMUNICATION of any sort or description whether news or eapretM ions of opinion npon any topic will be pub Hailed unless nceompanled by the real name of the writer Tho name will not be piibllaht unless consent la given but It must lie submitted as authority for the slaleuieula ot the alleged faej or the opln 10 ree uolLos of any kind partaking of the nature of advertising muai I be written and mailed or sent to the office They will not be taken by telephone Persons having business with the circu lation deimrlment with referanee to rub script Inna or non delivery of paper may ulo honh No 21 or call before exeepl on Saturdays when calls may oe xu a de until AtL READING MATTER APPEARING IN THIS MARKEDnrn A AT THE END IS A PAID ADVERTISE MENT 1 in my prices in the height or tha to keep my tailors busy and hold thenTtnrougn tne Summer: (' $4000 Sults now' $2900 $3500 Suits now $2500 $3000 Suits nowa 5220 Every Suit hand tailored to f'yogt measure! Select the pattern from my large new stock ow IS theTin 'jrtO'gtTe me you 1 order and save money ARENSON 623 Main THE POPULAR PRICE TAILOR jJiit Woman Is Liberated Airs Philip Winn dt'T cate looking woman who1 cotriJ niitted to the Richmond' jail tor a year in default of $500 peace bond for making a spectacular attempt to shoot her husband has been releas ed it was disclosed Saturday' after seventeen imprisonment She was discharged at the request of a brother: who lives at Statesville on his promise to take he? to tliat place and care for her We have had occasion several times in referring to the chain gang and the ignominy of its public pa rade of degradation to protest against discrimination in Xavor of those able to pay a fine as au al ternative of imprisonment and en forced labor on the gang We have naturally been interested in tho ref fort of Governor oss of Alassachu setts to awaken interest in the ob jectionable practice of sending men to jail who cannot pay a fine assess ed upon him In this connection tho St Louis Republic comments on the idea of Governor oss and follows it out logically and with interesting conclusions as follows: is trving to all of the gov ernors in his plan to abolish the practice of sending men to 'jail when they cannot pay a fine His state ment that it is virtually imprison ment6 for debt may' not be iuite sound but on the border ground that the law dispenses one kind of jus tice to the man with money In his pocket and another kind to the pen ailess offender a solid objection ma) Hie But why confine theagita tion to the matter of fines for small jffenses? Money begins to talk the miqute its owner is arrested AThe man of means gets bail with out going behind the bars The poor man is locked up unless he has triends must gather his witnesses mil pivpdiu fui Dial witlr no unity to give personal attention to own case The man of means gets the best lawyer In town The penni ess man is too often what the doc tors would clinical 'material or some callow appointee of the court The story might be followed urther to show how tho poor man fares worse but this Is enough to Indicate that Governor oss has opened an extremely interesting sub dtj is true' pCflurB tba men imjauB iwiU alaysp possess greater advantages than the jienniiess or the very poor man but this doos not iustify a deliberate discrimination of a class already enjoying areat advantage but should imjieliur la nfakersand those who afl aiinistef to it to avoid any further liscrlmlnatlog in favor of wealth To'a man who thinks nothing of spending sums' in extravagant or riotous living the Imposition of a fine for aflaw violations is not puni fve it is merely in the nature ot license to go and transgress the aw again The evil lies 'in thg pro vision of an alternative of fine or Jail 'for many offences and usually vhere tlie 'jih'buld made the most deterrent the' ofiend 1r is released on payment ot a fine vH erTTn an aman who lias corn mU ed a less offence must go to jail or mayhap the public degradation of tlie 2hain gang If the commission of a "Specific offence warrants the sen lenceof one man to jail it ought to warrant the sentencing" of another man to the 'same penalty no matter now wealthy he may be Because wc cannot overcome in its entirely tho advantages of wealth we should not longer submit to a system that op erates as a further discrimination in its favor It is not equality before tho Law when one man goes free be cause is able to pay a fine and another must go to jail or worse the gang Jail rentences ought to tie mandatory and with no alternative punishment That will do much to remedy this cruel discrimination Governor crusade has our entire sympathy Tlie abolition ot the plan whereby one must go" tojall in default of a fine will save the State and' cities vast expense in the rare and feeding of prisoners and it will give the poor delinquent a 'chance to work Out bls own fine As It is' he cannot secure tho money with which to pay and in man? eases his family Is deprived of his normal income It is not sufficient to say that there are few meq who cannot find somebody willing for? their fines even if it be tlie exceptional case wherein a man epnnot do this the man is entitled some consideration Often a first ot fender or a man not a criminal would be more effectively reformed by giv ing him a chance to pay his fine than could be by thrusting him into jail among hardened criminals and do strorlnghls aelfxruspcctthd founda4 tfon iqsin which all reformation or reclamation must be builded Danville Western Ry Co la Effect Handay May 25th 1918 The following uchedulea are published only as Information and are not guaran teed Trains Leave Danville Va Dally Except nnnday 8 at 8:50 a for all points on the iianviiia woMrnrn ixinnwra Koehler for Roanoke and points bo yond 21 at 2:40 tn for all points on th Danville Western 5 at 0:10 tor Spray Leaksvl! end intermedlnte points n1 a vsxj No 8 at 6:50 a in (or all points on tk Danvimta ic Western 'ouoectH nt Koehler for Roanoke and paints be yond Trains Arrive at Danville Dally Except Sunday: No 4 at 317 ng from all Danville A Western stations No 22 at 10:00 tn from all Danville 4 Western stations at 5:38 ta Spray Leaksvtlle and Intermediate points Sunday Only: No 4 at 2:43 from all Dsnvlllo A Western stations (THE LOCAL OP The Sulzer impeachment case the rrhaw escape and extradition jiroh Jem tho enactment of tariff and cur rency legislation and the outcome of the Mcxicdn situation will afford topics for comment and discussion almost every day' nd appeal to the interest of readers' as'ne'S matter A newspaper in a city' liketDnvllle Can hirdly hope to mould public sentinicnt or to Influence the course of nations by any expression of its ownif' The local influ ence should be greatest in Its field 'tn tho that most vitMly touclkthoi Inasses its own 1he mission ftCanewspaper in the smaller cities Whatever the result of the tariff and currency 'legislative efforts trnvir 'tlie Thaw case the Alexicausituation or the Sulzer Impeachment may the city of Danville and the county oL Pittsylvania will still face tho more vital problems the self development and community welfare A now tobaoco sales year has open cd with every indication of a large crop and one of more than fair qual ity tq be disposed of and With the Diopeful prospect that many million pounds will bo sold on this market during tho ensuing six' or months haul or ship their tobacdo to Danville to be sold will receive considerable Bums of money 'in exchange and will i have to spend a large proportion ot this for clothing groceries imple ments fertilizers supplies of all kinds Najil rally they will buy the bulk of these supplies of all kinds int Danvlle and from Danville mer chants These indications are that tobacco growers from Mecklenburg and Brunswick and Lunenburg in Virginia and Person and Caswell and other NorthlCarolina counties men vyho have not been in habit of marketing their crop in Danville will sell on this market Tho return of 'old customers ana of now ones afford an opportunity to Danville merchants in every lino to expand their trade and Hhe "parcels post sys tem will further simulate the estab lishment ot trade relations with new counties and more distant people In a word Danville's trado radius Is to be Extended in every directiou an tlie city's reputation as a great leaf tobapo market is the magnet that wlliraw these new and prospective trade patrons Every patron from a new field which lias not been trading extensively In Danville will afford opportunities to establish larger trade" witli people such new fields How can the mer chant reacji these news fields and li vTcaiTTje YTrUTsTl mM mPf ofii' their trade? There is answerby advertising AVadonot rb fer to newspaper advertising alone though the judgments of the most successful conclusion is of all effective tion of catalogues circulars and lit erature samples and advertising de vices of all kinds will help Any thing that advertises Danville will help i But we desire especially to en ihnslre the importance to the in dividual merchants of advertising consecutively intelligently and cifl ciently bls goods wares and mi rchan dire In every proper way Attract people to your sore and hen you can sell them goods Nothing is mori' attractive than real quality and rea sonable prices Let the people know what you Jiave demonstrate the quality ot your goods and emphasize the prices at which you sell In thia connection we would commend tlie determination of the Danville Boos club to advertise this city as a rad Ing center la a dozen newspapers published in he surrounding counties are not Hellish and lu not ex pect or desire all the ndvertlring Merchants will we believe find it profitable to advertise in weekly newspapers in adjoining counties that 'grow tobacco as well as in the lo cal papers which circulate extensive ly throughout many surrounding ccuu (Continued from Page 1) coufd be restored Huerta lias replied in tlie negative oreign govern ments generally since rejection have been active in support 'of the American policy to persuade Huerta 1 to yield There was still some hope at the AVliite House tonight that word of concessions might be teler graphed from Mexico City before tho president goes to the capitol tomor row to read his message 'and per haps' result in abandonment of the idea at tills time Tlie delivery ot the message is an essential factor in the program of the American government before the world It is not a preliminary to 'any drastic measures however lt is merely announcement of a policy which will be maintained for years if necessary until constitutional gov ernment shall be' re established in Mexico Tho effect of the message it is hoped by administration officials will bo to convince tho world of the sin cere efforts of the United States td firing about peace and forestall pres sure that might otherwise have been exerted by foreign governments for a sterner policy toward Alexico Having exhausted avenue of influence on tlie Alexican authorities tlie administration does not feel compelled to Intervene by force of arms to establish its views Every opportunity will be given to Ameri can citizens tq withdraw from the danger' zones 4nnd strict neutrality in shipments of arms will be observed Conference at White House Tho White House conference began at 8:30 The pri vate office looked like nf school room' Divans davenports sofas and chairs were arranged in equal rows in front ot tlie desk There were accommodations for thlrty "seven members of tlie two committees but they did not all come some' being absent from the city It was tlie larg est 'conference that had been held at the executive offices however since' the presnt administration bgan Secretary Bryan sat beside' the president as tho latter read his mes sage Those present from tlie committee ere Senators (chairman) Stone Clark Shively O'Gorman Williamsjoni Jpomrene AlcCmnber Rmltir fAriz) 'nnd Hnmh' pi Torn lie House reorrnnittee dtfrere were Rdpresentatives lood 11 Vir ginia (Chairman) Cline of Indiana' Linthicum of Maryland: Diefender fer of Pennsylvania' Stedman of North Carolina Harrison of Missis sippi Walker of Georgia? Cooper of Wisconsin and Temple of Penn sylvania The conference adjourned a few minutes before 11 clock after president had read his message and listened to a free discusion for more than an' hour He had asked for sug gestions and comments and nearly every one present had something to sav Later the president let it Do known that there had been no suggestion that would necessitate anyt change in his plaiffi' And that unless word Aamo (rora sjexico City of chaiigeulnndho Situation' there the message would be 'tend to tle joint session of the fwo housds of Congress tomorrow Now everybody can know and enjoy the crisp goodness of fresh baked soda crackers with out going to the oveji Virginia Towa i Illinois Missouri Wheat Big.

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Danville Register and Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)


What is the number for Danville register and bee? ›

You may also reach us at (434)791-7900. Hours are Monday-Friday 6:00 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday and holidays, 6:00-10 a.m.; and Sunday 6-11 a.m.

Why is Danville VA called Danville? ›

William Byrd assigned a name to the South Branch of the Roanoke River. He named it the Dan River, a name in the Bible that defined one boundary of the land of Canaan.

Is Danville in NC or VA? ›

Danville city, Virginia has 42.8 square miles of land area and is the 103rd largest county in Virginia by total area. Danville city, Virginia is bordered by Caswell County, North Carolina and Pittsylvania County, Virginia.

Is Danville VA a small town? ›

Danville is the Heart of Southern Virginia. Danville has all the qualities of small-town charm as well as the assets of a city ready to burst with excitement.

What is the phone number for Danville real estate taxes? ›

For Real Estate Tax Amount Information:

Contact the Division of Central Collections at 434-799-5125, Monday - Friday from 8:30 am until 5 pm. For better assistance when calling, please have one of the following: Parcel ID number, Property address, Real Estate tax bill, or the Owner Deed name as of July 1.

What is Danville, Virginia famous for? ›

Founded in 1793 , Danville is perhaps best known for its role in the Civil War, when it was an important railroad stop for the Confederacy and became the last Confederate capital after Richmond fell to the North.

What is the slogan for Danville Virginia? ›

The City of Danville today introduced a new brand to capture its commitment to be a city that fosters a strong sense of community and belonging — one in which every resident, regardless of background or origin, finds their home. The brand carries the slogan: “Danville: Feels Like Home.”

Is Danville VA considered the South? ›

Located in south-central Virginia along the North Carolina border, within a day's drive of two-thirds of the nation's population, Danville boasts historical landmarks, recreational opportunities and beautiful rolling countryside. . Enjoy the City's rare combination of small town charm and big city offerings!

Is Danville, VA a nice place to live? ›


Located in south-central Virginia along the North Carolina border, within a day's drive of two-thirds of the nation's population, Danville boasts historical landmarks, recreational opportunities and beautiful rolling countryside.

What is the crime rate in Danville Virginia? ›

With a crime rate of 35 per one thousand residents, Danville has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 28.

Who is Danville, Virginia named after? ›

The City of Danville is located in the Southern portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia and was named by Colonel William Byrd after the Dan River.

What is the poverty rate in Danville VA? ›

Poverty & Diversity

23.1% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Danville, VA (9.5k out of 41.1k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.6%.

What are the nice neighborhoods in Danville VA? ›

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Danville, Virginia are Tobacco Warehouse Historic District, Schoolfield District and North Danville Historic District. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods.

How far is Danville VA from the beach? ›

The distance between Virginia Beach and Danville is 261 miles. The road distance is 211.2 miles. How do I travel from Virginia Beach to Danville without a car?

How did Danville get its name? ›

In 1792, the name “Danville” was given by William Montgomery, a revolutionary war veteran and leader in colonial Pennsylvania, in honor of his son Daniel. For a few years before this, local people referred to the community as Montgomery's Landing.

What is Danville, Virginia named after? ›

The City of Danville is located in the Southern portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia and was named by Colonel William Byrd after the Dan River.

Where did the name Danville come from? ›

French and English (of Norman or Huguenot origin): habitational name from Anville (Charente) with fused preposition d' 'from'.

Where does the name Danville come from? ›

French and English (of Norman or Huguenot origin): habitational name from Anville (Charente), with fused preposition d' 'from'.


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