The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

PITTSBURGH POST, -oCW 1 Steam Printicg Ectablishmcut 13 AH It SlVi.lli i'o i Pi; it US BED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, Corner Fifth. anJ Wool-Sts. EVE3Y luN or Plain end Fancy Jsh rifotir.3 KJ k-CI'TV IS TDK IlL.sT STA I.K. Prciiiirre'own a i to Eli.ii, llpn-artile and 1 1 Frir DAICYITPOST, PlCil YEAR, 0 00 UK-KItkU IV TUB CITV, AT Oeta.

f.U WKKtC, PAIMBLK TO TtIK CaUUIKHS, TO AUKS ft 60 mil OtK Hclt.lTim ars, fit Ill a. CITY 31 A. 11 H. Sooner or later a ceglected Cl will de- velop though, Shortnr. of Breath, i 14'S I 111' VT VXT1 5 AU aslH3.irA 13 TL.9 Wirs Trial.

VERY LATEST. ITow Ycrk Itftxs. VouK, 17. A meeting of gentb nnn interested in The County Fair. I To-tiay the Allegheny ttoucty Fair opens to I and we trust that tbe number atteud-i be woithy oi the place selected for the exV.totina and the pains tsbea ty the nianag Irish Emancipation.

Looking to tbe humanity and justice of their cause, saj'3 tha Detroit I'rtii and tlie devoted patriotism which, ia thaiaroof euch 'mighty odds, could plnn so bold an nndertakicjc acd quittlj set to TTork for its accorap'-isbaifEt, tt cannot withhold from the Irish our d-iniratioD nd our syrupalby. But when wc look at the relative strength and resources cf the two parties to the contest, we are forced to tb? conclusion that this aftcupt is premature and utterly hopeless. Enlaud ahcady on the alert. ITer Govefcraent is keenly alive to tho emergency, and the irrasist hla ruihtof her resoarcca aa la a moment bo concentrated aud rought to Lear upon the crashed and dejertid Irishmen with all tha prtatia that six hundred years of uoa and oppresaion can givo thcra. The Fviniaas should a t.

It would ha murderoas cruelty to di to the miseries of the Irish people by a desperate rebellion. They can afford to wait. All great alterations ia human affairs are tk rcEults of time and perseverance they cannot be accomplished by any ingle burst ot enthusiasm. The Irish have everything to gain by patience everything to lose by precipitancy. A few moro years of WikU-hinjr and preparation cancot quench the 4nrit of liberty, or s'ahduo the mraly couraga of the Irish people.

Six hundred year3 of bitter antagonism and fWce repistanct to their opprepsora has f.sud it in thoir hibits a firm a3 adamant, nnd centuries of poverty ami oppression have failed to break their spirit. If th6 Fenians, instead employing their resources a carry death and desolation to their native land, should employ them in aiding nnd encouraging the cziigruiioa of their brethren to thi country, wheri oor broad praries can furniNh homes to thuni all, and whiro a thousand nv.nuf lie open to their labor and enterprise, they mibt IJY TEL1JGU AP1I. "Weshicgton Iteri3. Nkw Yoke, Oci. 17.

The World's Washington special suys: GeB.IIovey, new minister to Peru, in town, receiving his final instructions before leaving for Peru. Lieut. Col. Woclcy, who has been for past two years provost marshal of Baltimore, has been brevetted brigadier general, and is now provost marshal tf middle Maryland department. The Times' Wabhingloa special says: CommiRaionor of Agriculture issued a circular to assistant assvS-sor3 rtyupstins the name of every individual, firm or company engaged in the manuirt'-iuro of co tou in its various branches, in order that circulars may be issued to such manufacturers with rtfer-enoe to an accurate and full account of amount of cotton ubej by them, the object bing to encourage farmers to incrta3ti th culture of cotton in the Southern States, a matter of important to the industrial interests of country.

Strenuous tTorts are beirg made to secure a quorum meeting of corporators the National Military and Naval Asylum, which takes place at the Smithson lnititut? on Wednesday, the lain iuat. Such aisumiccs have been givm lead to the belnf that a qaoiam cl fifiy mcbtbeit) will be obtained ht tkis ctirj. The Tribune1 special says: Oovern ment is now selling oil' all its rolling stock re-ently used on the military roads. Locomotives sold last week at auction, averaged each. Four thousand tons of railroad irou were bold $97 per ton.

The Uerald'i special, speaking of the aavancd tne ptn eof bauk note paoer, Bays: lto umotsn; ol buck note ut ti9ed in the Treasury Department lor bond, rote and revenue stamp printing, prodigious. The heavy advance pos itively ins.bted upon by manufacturers has caused the iJepirtmer-t to open Us eyes aud lock about anxiously for re lief. Two or three partita enby the monopoly of the pnper bu huper intendent de Fries, of the public print ing orlice, who nsta up vatt quantities news and oock paper, has also been forced to submit to a laree advance in the price of white psptr. The Treasury authorities have been cogitating since the rise over tne project ot buudina; paper mill at Great Pulls, cn the poto mac, about 12 milts from tho city They estimate that the mill could be uilt in six montbi. lugs could be lin ported from the Mediterrant-an rriarkttc, without duty, End landed In Washing ton, and plenty of piper r.l! the Gc vernment uses ue cheaper man at New F.o'.aud prices.

ino New ork 2W Washington epecial saysr No orders have yet been received to muster out tho veteran reserve corps. Captain Bechwell, a well-known army Cicer, has been convicted of furgmg soldit-rs' (beohare rppers, and sen tenced to be dismissed the service, and to be imprisoned two yetrs iu tha Albany penitentiary. The piopcrty of tbe rebel General Corse has been restored to him. Governor Bradford 13 about to convene the Maryland legislature. TI10 South Carolina Ticket.

Niw Tout, Oct. 17. The following is the ticket for the Charleston duUict, to be voted, for in the State election which takes place in South Carolina to-morrow, Oct Governor, Hen. James L. Orr; for Lieut.

Governor, lion. Wm. D. Uorter; for Senators, n. D.

Lcaene, Henry Baist; for Representatives, J. B. Camp bell, R. S. Durica, Benj.

Lucas, JameB Firnons, John A. Wagner, Sdmuel Lord, John Hanckcr, James Connor, B. Liegland, W. A. Wardlaw, James M.

Eason, A. O. Andrews, W. J- Gayer, W. E.

Nukell, E. McGrath, F. D. Iticlt-ardson, T. G.

Barker, Archibald Cameron, F. Mek bcru, T. J. Rorcher. The Eon.

Chas. McBeth declined a recomi-nation for Mayor of Charleston, but it is expected he will reconsider his action at the request of a number of citizens of all partit and controt to pormit his iiame to be used. Mr. Whahy nnd Mr-Campbell, of Charleston, and Gov. Aiken, are upokec of ss candidates for tbe U.

S. Senatorsbip. The Charleston Keic says: All these gentlemen can take tbe oat required by Cocgrtef. that they did not aid the re bellion, if anybody in the South can take it. Destructive Fire in New York.

Niw Yoac, Ott. n. The bonded warehouses of G's Irey, Nob. 3 acd 5 Biidge street, pria uBfd for the storage of cottoc, were destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The buildings were etor ed with cotion, whisky and flour.

The value of the cotton is estimated at 000. There were 1.00!) barrels of whis ky and a large amount of f.cur aluo on Horace. This is the largest loss of cot ton, by fire thai ever occurred in this city. The valu of the property was estimated at a million dollars, ihe wniS' ky, which was stored in the basem*nt, will be onh sliaht'y dauisKi-'d. The to tal loss, alter deducting naleage, wiil reach $500 ,00.

It is auppobed to be fully insured. IVarly two-tbirda ol tlie City compunles have small rlsss. From Philadelphia. Puii.auai.ruia, Oct 17. Services cf thackf giving were held St.

Luke's Church this mornmg at ten o'clock. A large congregation was assembled. The opening prayers were read ty bishops Talbot and Bedel. The creed and first two prayers by the Lord Bishop of ifonalulaiii, and tbe remaining prayers and special thanksgiving by Binkop McClctkey. The commandments wtre rtad by Bishop Atchlbon, and the special and epist'e by Bishop Smith, and the gospel was read by Bishop Lay, acd the tpecud prayer nl benediction by Bishop Hopkins.

Election la Savannah, Ga- It'ew Oct. 17. Advices from Savancah to the l'lth isst. ttate thut ihe unconditional Union ticket is reccivirg larga nitj-jriliea ia tifcurly every eoi-nty ia GforgS. Tbe Comptroller bcicg unable to pay the meiropoi tin police, Mobes Taylor being appealed to, has advanced the city for that purpose.

Tho Ni.val Trial. Ktw Year, Oct. 1 th ning Jr an.l L- ed was was from at low by and too ty PaiLng f.trer.gth and Waiting of Flesh tha avtnt couriers cf Consamption. In Some in etaneos the same cstase will pro lure Broochlls-a diea.seof the b'anches of the wlattplpe. In ail adctions or the Pulmonary cigans, eli as Bi tiomipiainta, Jj ne't both palliative and a eurative, as tiie testimony rf thou nnds and lis world-wide repiits-tion a teitf while tn Ooughi and Colds tiaets speedily, and when tsken according to directions, promptly removes thera.

Why not gtve this standard remedy a trial 1 Sold by aildiug-gieti. Opera Iiot. The fair maasiiertss evi- undeista.5i! the tastes of those to wasm cters, and knowa in what manner to furnish them wi'h the most satisfactory style of amusenu'nt. shows her shrewdness in he re-ergpeii-eut of Moilie Will ams and air. iu-ceut.

Vhey have drawn well durir.g their stay, and their reception, on Men lay and Tuesday eveuiofrs wu sucirnt evitience that ti.ev are favorites here Their eneagement positively i terminateii with this week. Last niht the Hidden Hand and Miles were tepeated full nouses. Theatre At this well-established place of imuseiaeat last night the Pari of Savoy was presented, with Madame Schiller as Marie, Those who have seen Maggie Mitchell in this, one r.f her favorite parts, will recollect how Uf-ticult it Is even for ner to give it with propriety and It ia one of those beautiful pathetic rf' that depend for their interest ou its s.mpiK'ity and earnestness with which they are rcajered. It is sutGeieotly high praise to say that Madame techelicr gave the part with full justice. A mm 3:1 It Lozenges, as prepared by Rankin, druggist, 44 St.

Clair street, according to the prescription of Dr. Samuel Jackson, of the University of pennsylv aaia, are highly om-ment'ed for coughs, coids an.l hoarspn. One fo, dissolved in th saouth before goii.g to bed, will prevent coughing at night. For chronic coughs there is nothing so sootcing. Dos't milsve It.

Don't believe wat? Why, that dry goods are sold as cheap as repie-sentedin their advertisem*nt by Harker St Ma'ket street. Well, thea, call and see, and oar word i It, you'll have tenets enough iu their advertisem*nts afier this. Srent hat It SI en us. If you would rind out its practical dcSn.tion as it relates to a diy goads store, just viuit the establishment ot liaiket Co Market street. O'Brien Schwartz's A's 1U cure Dys-pepsia.

Late News Items. The adminiut ration of Gov. Hamilton of Texas, is universally endorsed. Gov. Weli has adopted the nomination of the Union convention conservative party, of Louisiana.

Ex-Governor Allen has msd applications endorsed by Gov. Wells, for pardon. The daily mail service between Lyon, California, and Portland, Oregon, which has been iuttrruiited for some time past, owing to they extortion of the former contractors, is to he resumed forthwith. Qcite a cumber of rebels from this country are domiciled in Mexico. The Ex-Governor, E'c-Rcbel General Ster- Uns Price, of Missomi, Ex-Rebel Gov- crnor Isham G.

Harris, of Tennessee, i and Messrs. Mjiury, Roberts, J. Perkins, and W. T. ilardman, are appointed Commissioners of Colonization and Emigration by Maximilian's Government.

Additional troops had arrived in Mexico from France. The following is a copy of the amnes-lj calk buhbciibcd to by Gu. Lcc Office of Notary Public, Rockbridge counly, Virginia, October 2d, ISC.j. Robert E. Lee, cf Lexington, Virginia, do soiemulv swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Cons'itutioa of the United States, and the ULion of tho States, p.nd that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully suppor all laws and proclamations which have ieen made during the ex-isting rebellion, with reference to einan-cipation of so help me God.

11. E. Lee. At Tampico and along the coast line, the course of Imperialism was decidedly deel ning, and considerable confusion existed in and around the city in consequence of the strife. The great hope of the Republicans was the expectation of aid Irorn the United Stale.1".

It ia said th'it Maxitniliian has forwarded five million dollars tr Washington in order to influence Congress in favor of his recognition by our Government. The newspapers to the Imperial interest publish glowing accounts of the prospects and resources of the empire. They claim the country has eirht and a quarter mil-lions inhabitants, and that its agricultural and mineral resources ronder it Ec'l-sftaining. It i3 rumored that the English Government has repudiated the attempt made by Maximilian in 18G4, to extend the boundaries of tho empire into British Honduras by means of a military mail from Yucatan. The British minister in Mexico city declares that Mexico has no cholcs whatever In any portion of tbe territory, and to this Senor Romero in behalf ot Vhts Government acquiesces.

The doubtful policy of Napoleon and Maximilian, and the reported determination ot the United States Government, to uphold the Monroe doctrine, influenced tha submissive tone of the Iilexican reply considerably. In Mexico the supporters of President Juarez were extremely active, the leading Republican defraying tha expenses of arming the guerrilla bands from theirpiivate purses. A yebt interesting case, in which the bonds of the Jeff. Davis Confederacy fiKTircd, was yesterday before Judge In-graham, of the Supreme Court, in the Chambers. When the rebellion broke out, Grjo.

W. Gooch, the defendant in the case, according to the statements made, w.i9 ia Texas as agent of the lare Broadway dry gods boue of Lout3 lioyca A- entrusted wi the collection of 71,000, due them from Texas merchants on the 4ih cf March, ISol, Mesbrs. Louis Boyce and turned over their business toLerOV wiseyaad rcdenck ii. Lay leyaad Frederick N. Lawrence, who are the plaintiffs in the prosecution.

Gooch went on with his collections, and us he al'eges met with the approval cf Mr. Wib-y, invei'ed about of the money ho collected in rebel securities, which, of course, has since proved worthless. A short time since Mr. Gooch returned to this city and at the instance of plain tiff was arrested and I locked no ia default of bail on 1 the charge of misappropriating the funds of the firm. I I 08Krat Kursk I Ktnt JOSEPH MEYER SOW, Manufacturers of FLAIrt AND EAWOT FURNITURE AND CHAIRS.

WARExIOTJSE, 135 Smiili'fleld and 424 renn Sts. Betwsc CO st-, and Tlrgia alley, aui Pi. IlKMliS, So tS Smith Arid Street, near Vitib. St. COVFrX-5 of eve CRAPF.

OL'JVi-5, Fl'SNlSttUaCi oa F'i; Ei ger-srauv. i LNii H.EAK5S and for This trial, which commenced on the 26th of August, la at drawing to a close. Oa Saturday, Judge -Advocate Chlpman and Mr. Baker, one cf the counsel for the accused, had another of thoaa skirmishes in which they have been indulging, at intervals, during the trial, In whkh both gentlemen displayed very bitter feeling, accusing each other ot falsehood, The row between the parties, both of whom were very likely right, in alleging that the other acted ungemlemanly, for a little while threatened to be serious, Baker intimating that he would settle the business on table. while Chipuian expressed himself as ready to pitch in Moa any occasion and at any place." The scene, from all acetunts, must have been disgraceful in tha c-xtrciue, and would have been more characteristic of a brawl in a bar-room, than of the proceedings of a commission supposed to be composed of military men and lawyers.

Order being at length re- I stored, fter the Court had intimr.tsd to Baker that he would be thrown out, if he did not resume his seat, the evidence on both sides was declared closed, arvi the counsel for the prisoner asked two weeks to prepare his argument. The Court first offered him tn days, nnd then twelve, both of which he rtfuaed. and the Judge-Advocate was then requested to prepare tbe argument for both sides, and announced tl at he would be in readiness to do so on Wednesday next. Thna it will be seen that this tedious investigation, which has cost the govcrrment over one hundred thousand dollars, it is confidently expected, will be concluded to-day. The next big thiug lathe shape of a government prosecution will ba that of Jeff.

Davis for treason, before the Supreme Court of the United States. The New York Conmei-eial ays a communication has been addressed by the English via tors connected with the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, through the American President of the road. ri. S. L'flcmnudieu, to the directors of the Erie Iiailrord, proposing to consolidate the running arrangements of the two road9, aud to the Erie Road from New York to Salamanca with British capital.

A conference has been held between Sir Jloiton Petoand Mr. MeEIenry on the part of the Atlantic and Great Western, and the Erie Directors, upon the matter, but as yet no definite conclusion has been reached. Further interviews will probably take place on the arrival of Mr. L'- riommedieu from Washington. i 1 Ths Evansville Daily Courier, is the title of a new Democratic paper, re cently started at Evansviile, Indiana, several cc pies of which have been received.

The Courier is published by a company of gentlemen, all of whoa we believe, are practical printers, and is gotten up In the best style of the art, while its editorial department is managed with ability. We wish the new company tlia success their enersy and enterprise deserve. A Mb. Harris, of New Orleans walk-frora Monday night at seven o'clock until Friday night at 11 o'clock one hundred consecutive hours without stopping to rest, eat, or sleep. He walked for a wager, and won it.

At the recent term of Buchanan, Circuit Court, a Mrs. Sawyer obtained a verdict for against the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company, for damirges sustained by her in the Fhitte Bridge disaster In 1S61. BfuiVET Brigadier Anson G. McCook has received the appointment cf Collec tor of Internal Revenue in the 17tl Ohio District, which was designed for his father, Dr.

John McCook, who died last week. A BEiiiotH soldiers' riot occurred in Washington, Saturday afternoon. Three or four members of a colored regiment were killed. Tiib Veteran Reserve regiments in Washington are to be mustered cut, and replaced with colored troops. Gskeeal McClellan is expected to arrive in New Y'otk, from Europe, in about three weeks.

TiiB President is diligently employing his leisure hours upon his forthcoming message. HIiST BOTH SKXKS How to Oaiii isd Retaijj Airtc. tiom. It has frequently been suggested that Plantation Hitters are, la another form, the 'EIir of Love" of the ancitnts. That they do tntioh to quiet "family and reconcile fietful wives to cross husbands, we veriiy be-Uove.

When doniestio quiet is restored and connubial felicity reigns aupreme, "How great the oharm, how sweet the bliss Thai hads expression in a A free aod proper use of Plantation Bitters will inspire the toula cf both ixes with pure aJ fentioects cf auction, aud a capacity for rare aud exquisite enjoyment tn each o'her's toclety. riemember there Is no plue like home, and no passion like love and aotliln; to Unkthetwo blether and you to oth Ilka the great Family Bless ng, Plantation Iilttors. ttll l-tE 0. kali England, Irelid, Scotland, AU the principal cities of Germsny, Franco Switzorland, Sold at KEff YGS RATES The hUhest prioe paid for HOLD, AM cGl 'PoNs. heven-thlrty aoU mi ot Bonds eonstautly on hand.

(Hint liratts oa New York at-i Baltimore furntabe.1 iu sums to suit, very favorable tern. Sr.iTEMBFK AfD N01 COt'i' CMS AN. nUiPii KD. PH, R. MERT2.

118 WOOD STREET XX. XX IDDliZJ WHOLESALE OROCER, uud COMMISSION MERCliAiJT, 183, Liberty FitUburgh. ajfW dlv rtt'P. t'j bblt Love'tcr for sale bv aii.i.tiii hiCafciSON, Cct7 Cerc U.iii'.J It w.2. trees.

LIFE INSURANCE OF 1IAE.TP0RD, CONN. Capital, 2,000,000. BUANC1H OFFICE: F01T.TII STliEMT, pittsbuhqh, FA. HOMPSON CHAPIAN, IS THIS CHEAP? Illack Stilts Oood quality, at 1 28 "nrt upwards Colorosl Silks, (looJ quality, tt it 60 and upwsrJs. From It Merinoe, Good quality, at (1; all colors.

Extra quality, at tl ail colors. IS THIS 61 wide, at 50s, sheap at 75c. Paraniaf fan, 6-1 wide, at J7c, worth 6Jc, Alpacas At Sic, worth 6uo. Moli nirs At '5c, double cheap at LTc. IS THIS CHEAP? Tie Lain os.

At S3c, worth S7oc. Fancy Dre Goods At lSc, worth Ha. Io. At S'Ke, world tu. Flannels, At Sic, worth 18 THIS CHEAP illarkcs At S19 Oi), worth li per pair.

itt fin eS At halfr'i Jeans At 5c, very cheap. Taule Mucus At 37c, cheaper than Cotton. IS THIS CHEAP? I-Olig Cloths, At STc, worth wholesale. 'iirfin, At Sic, worth Si)e, wholesale. Calicos At 183, worth 26c, wholesale.

Calico, At 25c, worth is, wholesale, la great variety, at MARKET ST. IS THIS CHEAP? eetlT r-1 -7 in Si I 5 tj i 5k A I Ell 4j 3 tS? hi JO 03 a CO 3 a 3 cl P5 i i "a ll it a 1 4 rs r. 1 S- S3 Bs-J CS 53 W-B, "a 5 t. 1- 5 'A t.orfis, 31 El LTONS, TW EEDS, i'iWe for eys Wear, tor sale at low prtees, ty WHIT ORR 5c CO. a as FiJ.

Street HATk -lllCil tAt.ii Maj. is the the Tho has the the of ian as me fVr is ot the mining inttrc-bts cf the Western and States, was hold 10 Broadway, for tho parpoiio of it rrriirc; a permanent association. The object of organization is to dcvtlopc tho sources of the coin try. G. E-Cuiry was chosen clairmr.n, find J.

L. Douglass Secretary. The fj. lowing named persona were tpDoinici tor.btsin signatures for a gectra1 mrtfirg: Nevada, U. O.

Caliti G. i-entnn; JUontana, J. JI. 'jie; orfe, Prank Puller, Wtl er 1.. J.awti'n Livingston Satlerlee; Avii'onia, BilV'Tsmith; Oregon, ex-Oov.

Gci.rgu Curry; Colorado. Gov. ata Bimon Draper. 1 he Lniu-d titateB cotton urrt oii t- for salt this afternoon baVs of Savannah and Sealeland cotton. ILcro a company of tbont 1 Ot pcra ns, nearly all cotton deHlers.

I be ect'ou sold at gold rates, and the prices obtained for Savannah cotton were esti mated to be, quality consid red, not far five eents per pound higher than tho auction sale of Oeorpi'i Iew Orleans cotton last wetk. Middling fair cotion brought sold at 140; tuict middling o'Jac, an' or r.sry Irom 8Ucto8-ic Tlio English Car-itaPfcts. Nlw T'viUK, Ct. 17. The hvii't Washington special says: TLu English' capitalists, n.

cr.mpanicd It. J. Walker, wailed npou JV-il-dent Johnson this morning. The Tre-aident received thiiu very cordially, expressed hli confidence in the 1t-ture Bmicable relations of England aud United States. The.

delcuiKt'on ap. p'ared very much pleased vsilh tlittr reception. Dinner to A. II. Stephens.

Uiw.foN,ti-t. 17. The Vsfof Ihiscily, Hays: Alex, 11. StephtES was entertained it a privete dinner at the Revere house yenleiday evening by Mr. George A.

Chelsea. Mr. Stephens said it as Lis purpose to support the ol 1'icbi-deiit Johnson lor the reconstruction of the Union, to the full extent of Ms aWli and influence. Destructive Fire at CLiieago. Chicago, Oct.

11. The los by the fire lat night was about The principal sufferer are the Bt. Iouii Railroul C-'itrpany, Insured for j. 11. Talbot, Pacific Mills, 12,000, insured for J.

1L llorrla, lumber dtait 120,000, fully inaured. Armutrong, no insurance. Galea Essiman. iuny insured, The Ileccnt Eauroad Disaster. LAN' ASTUt, Oct.

17. The bodies of an adult female and two girls, aged ten and fifteen years, killed by the recent accident on the Ceclral railroad, are fiti'l uucbum-ed, Two trurks, labelh-d Mrs, A. lleald and Miss Mary E. Hculd, Liv-eimore Falls, Maine, are ako uuclim-ed. They are supposed to have 1 ea the property cf the three frniak-s above alluded to.

Advices frotn Texas. Nw Yoss, Oct 17, The Houston, Texas, Td-'jrjph says: More than half the spelling books now told In Boufcton go Into the ands cf the negroes, feveral schools for colored persons are now in operation here and in Galveston. Many planters buy a stock of school books for schools, al ready not unfrequent, upon the planta- Yatch. Ilace. Simr Hook, Oct.

17. plain Taltaer, of the yacht I'almer, makes the following report: Tapsed Cape May light ship at 8. DO r.rn., otx the lf-th; passed Siiiiy Hook at 12 r.o:,u cn tha ldh. Kept thiee nuies ahead of the Henrietta all dav yebtenhiy. Betit the Etnrietta about five to the aady Hook light ship.

Steamboat Burned. Sr. Loci, Oct, 17. The steamboat Brilliant wue btunci near Madrid ytetird'ay. It belonged to the Merchanta' and Peoples' line, owned by David White, M.

S. Mea.phan., St. Louis; uibeon Aurora, and was valued at f.0,O0o; insured for MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Msikcl. Niw Voiie, kt.

Cottca hesvyand drooplnr, at C-'if2 for mid 1'iour dull, and sra its it. i. u. r. Kya Bot.r Ctmer, at com im let ati 1 tedy.

Wtnuiy, tlrmei, at ki v. neat, dull, aad IG'ic lower brnet, Canada, Baticy, lunry Oiait, tjulet. Corn mm, tut clout. i is Maikct.

Paii.abKi.Ftti, Oct. 17. AV. trade dull. Petroleum dull, to SVcj rtHuefl.

ia tVccd, Slo to e.c, line jc to f'luur duU, aid siow of ta.e, but an-chaonei. Wbeat iluU. Sen lt i. old do t-'M to white ki to oru guieti jiiow ti. to wL.te iijc. steady, ai t-o. Kt Tvrk Moosjr 'w Yets, 1. 17. Mouey arttve aad P'm at 1 jk.m cer.t. SterUn steady at lob I'o1, 'o! iiioe aetite l.

opi.iB( at ItV, to at lu. Ur. Tbe Horrors cf Dycpep-ia Aod tbe cf dtsoriters lonul't averted the use of 2 JilTTKHS as a prevei.Utiv, er e-jet a. touisijiiis celerity by It uircot j.r-t at ion the stoat acU, the iiver, aui tm. TIi3 Shali: r.3 Iltrtyrs Of Fever and Ague; luslfadol t4i ittti.

mouir.s iti tha ilIj of the general health, are ptomptly set upon their feet aalj. without ater of a rsiavs. by t.nis rom; reuiedv JoretJTv cf iote-mitttt, IVrn asalenua't against It at. ta-k of China aud l'sver aLsoiu'eiy in o.1.-M. If Yen There Is nothlag that tu irct, C.a seat of the iasiady, ai.i rcslorf-s it 10 to a rnfnofly er-lhy audit.

cor-ittion. as UOSTrTTi SIOM.M'T Kkl. If ot a onto habit tn ttt'O. r. i ot jour ej's'cna to i i.fc ift mv i i laid la eLccx for a illeti-ue tha s.t.

use of tju harilcM vegeialie After aa Attack cf Eiekcess, Wbca tho aaltnal powers are jched, piilse weak, th taioi dipt esse ar.d it.c. powers of Vitality at a iow ttb, there lto eompsrable with ths L'TTI t.i'-. They rt novate every orxt, gemly tie eircu atioa, imr.rova tte i.r te t.t tta, to i I told bf a.l a i-i yum bhl Cru. ti. I'ciorKtA a .1 tai i i-enuvd i a 1:1.0., S.

lisj B'i 1-5 OOd Mfiw fft Fourth Paot. MUSKY UAKKiiir. Corrected dflj far the Morning Pot t-jr Ph. li. US Wood street.

Oold 1 Silver 1j5 fc-Su'a ol4 '0 Co new 1'- 10-40'i 9H fil' November coupons It-1 oat of Quarter Stlooi TciiDir, Oct. iiefure Sferrtt auJ Brown. Court met st 9 o'cl Adam liJmin plesd guilty to the Utny cf a watch and a quantity of wearia apaArfi, the property of Hy. ScntnueJ to three eri imprisonment ta tho tVeateto PetUcnti-ary. Koberi Auth piaJtU guilty to flUii.j wivhout license.

Sentenced to pay a f.oe $40 auJ cors. YVUIiam nirtty ul the pe.oe, on oath of Wiil.ara J. ordre. to pay tho cost. EdwarJ Molermott pleatteil guilty to tailing liquor without license.

Sentenced to pay ar.d 'ata. Michael King pleJ 'il guilty to the larceny cf a rest, the property o( John Sitxhoover. Sen" tcrceJ to oce eai's iir ritonment In vi'est-ein t'enitentiaf y. ioucd guilty cf asiauit anil tuiiery, tineii ili anj eoia, and crilem! to give wcunif lu he suua of tluO lor bis future goo-i tcharior. Ceorre May, alias Oeorca Snlvely eni Hr-vpy May, at aa John Anji-rscn were pUced on trWl or the lareeny of a Iruk apparel Iroui Mumi Johnston, a yourg lndycf

lh! ciunstt, Me.srs. Mcf'laren and McCarthy objected to'Miss Johnsoa Imtng swirn as a witness, on ths ground tht he wan the wife of one of the defendants. They proposed to prove tier admissions to this etUc-t, the father of the deteuuanta. The District Attorney in if thiit th objeotioa would cot hold good. t.ile the admisaiuo of marriage could be in eviilence In a cs ot a.H:,!ery or bigamy, in a ce liUe this mrriaee couid not bo The adruUsion of a witness were not in the Mice cten'ory wiih those ot a dKieml- ihJ cnurt sustained the pos'Uon takf by the IVistrict Attornty and declined toaiiow the mar-riace to ba provtn la the manner proposed by di ftiint's rouaeU It was then proposed ti place Johnston Ujmn ber vo'r dite, and Interrogate her to lier mi.

teJ iuairiace. 1 his as peranUe t. iioe J. mid iihe was not married to Harvey rlsy, bad livfd with htm as his wtfe at atirf aivo a' 1 is father's house. He had pr twite i to marry hf-r, and she left Mm upon ascertaining Xatt ho a.

a not inreau ttoiiif so Evidence, was Riven by 3laj rr I.owry ar. 1 1 fil-cer showing conciusively ti.e cl. 1-n-itant'a duplicity in endcavouriug to dei-rtve the prosecu'ii of fcer trunk, whica was e'. vereri with ilitucmt, aad atter havias; been i or pawned at a hotel for five dollars, by lieoixe ftiaf. The detendant had re-preiected himself as having bfenaoptan tn tbe BitLy, and ported a ui.ifcrm.

Verdict of gu'lty. a motion was enteimi lor a new Uial arrest oi juiiirmenr. Hueli 'iel was charef with stealing a coat valued at from Jriix Bettyhouie, ef hot township, iietfyhouse v-eut rowing in a ski.T and left his coat on shore with f'rftt. 'a his leturn both etiat and i reel weie icisslr. A vereiot of Kiiilty was returned, wi' a ol Freelto mercy.

iavid Ieeth, John nibble and Anarw. weie ch-irfed wittt assiult aod battery on Joi. JKoth. Ahusofj and costs was imposed on earb. Anderson and Ann Anderson.

wile, were cha'red witu keeping b. ute i.l i.i-1 tine in tho waid. The principal it-nesees for the proscution were a t.d h.g occupying an arjotmrg house. The nature of their tefcuruony was veiy vague. The dfi'ense produced a lar) nuTiler of irneses, ifstlijio- to the exceiloiit character of tiie accused.

ndersnn is a tobacount. The case was still oa tiial wuen the court adjoitrneJ. Court of Common Pleaa. Before Judge Melian. A.

Weidrnait vs. James Kichardioa. This cjse occasioned fun than any other that has come up la this or auy other court in iuny a day. The plaintiff, Mr. Weidman, is an attorney, and the plaintiff a congtatle of the seventn ward.

Tbe charge was one of false ImprUoa-ment. Mr. Weidman conducted his own case, and the defense was intrusted to Messrs. Marshall, MeClowry and Purviance, Ei jrs. Mr.

Weidman, together with numerous otiier attorneys, occupy rooms in a buUding on Fifth street. The plaintiff has from time to time been the victim oi jokes p'nyed by his fellow attorneys. Mr. Weidman kept a cat; Air. Purviance kept a dog.

The eat and tbe dog fought: the dig livert, the eat didn't. JVir. Weidman grieved, but endured. Soon his piano was found to have beeu injured, and then his eane was carried off. This waa toi much.

Mr. Purviance's aog killed Weiimao's cat, and therefore Mr. Purviance was the author oi ti.e other calamities. Jlr. Weldmau swore to blow Mr Purvianee to the trcpics.

Mr. Marshall heard tne oath, and thought the swearer ia earnest. He procured a bu-inlr warrant and Lhed it, signing the came of Alderman strain, luis was placed in tne hands of Officer wuo arretted lir. eidman, and took Li.u to the Alderman's otCoc; 'iriuire htrain wt.s c.t in, so Wr. Weidman ga bail, and when ti Alderman returned, n-nJo his appearance and itlscovered how he k.d been vlctiiLlzed.

Ia tt heat of his passion he entered suit against Oi-eer Kicharlson, lay leg the at oCo. the circimstanaes were brought cu ia a 1 at the triad, acd occasioned a vast deal ot amue-luent. 1 he; jury assessed a fine of 1,00 or- the de fendant. Adam iKeiceman vs. John F.

Sr hatter, for the recovery oi a debt cf 103. Verdict for the p.Ainti ISamuel Kssener vs, Jobn WiUlaa. Charge, impnaonmenf. eituct tor ueif naau lieury orutuau vs. ToOias Laadcxs ilaudi-r.

Jury out. Tor t'nlteil Statsa District Court' TrasDAv, Cct. 17, lti5. Hon. CaLdless presiding.

The grand Jury, Dr. Wm. F. Logan, of Lycoming couaty, fornnsn, being sworn, the learned Judge proceadel to deliver his charge, the coraposlng it ep-on the fact that they would cot te cal.c! upon at this time to tty cases s'miiar to those which had been brought before juries during the last four years arijicg from the draft. Iia then ex plained at length the duties of a grand iry, and referred to some cases wbJkh would ptvta-bly be brouiht before them for action, among which were the crimes of cot-nteift it-ing, STMttrjriiQg, violation cf etnn.trat law, robbing the maiis, After graiiu jdry had retired, the case of Samuel i aeainst whom a true bill bad been r-viously lound for eounterfelt twtnty dollar treasury note, aud with the particular's of whirli our reader are acrjuaiuted, waa taken up.

Mr. Carnahan the 'Government, whtle the prisoner was defended It F. Lutar. Fq. The ease was proceeded i for about au hour, when an error was discovered In the indictment, fixing the time of the con, -miasion ot ti.e cllnce oa the 7th instead of ti of July, litter was the day.

Carnahan nsHed. that a tK! troi ha enteral ia the ease, nnd requested that ths ier be eomnr.rte.t to jail, when a new Indictment will be lai.t aralnst btm. and the ca hrought up trial Twj caes cf the United States Smith, which hail heea ce.rltled from VVliltama-purt, to be tiled at 1 riis tertn heie, werec. ued UEii the sofcial term January uet, it appeatim; that the defendant was lyion su at his home in Lycoming eounty, a certiacate he was unable to attund lor that jeason, btiut jtro lut'eti from his physician. Smith is charii with counseling drafted men to desert.

Court adjourned to meet to-morrow morula at 10 o'clock. I'eeovery of Horse. Oa the night of the 1st ot October, two vaics-blc biown Kares, valued at w. 1 from Mr. Wm.

Sutley at Cherry Itee, Veuacgu county. Mr. S. 1eb tlaiely published the Ct-sciiption of hu and a reward of t.q for thei Ye-terday Kr S. re -cvered b'i anliiiaif, they having teeu brought into the city ty an oSicer wfcose cace we Ul 1 not learo, who thefi to Taylor, it seems that tt-ief took ti.e mares to tie liv ery staoie cn ikir.

penoer ia AL'tncrv. Kbrie i be st-ta thtta, suing hts uarueas J. P. Viilla-rs Mr, fpenwr aftervvards aoii tceta to tlie German Cat hoi.e Orphan Aeylum. A soon a rIr.

e. aw tiie advertised des-iiptico, he recegtiized the ani'nals as tha one he tad and ditected the orticer whereto Bud them te thief hai not yet been found, ard la tbe meaii. ttir.e air. Spoucer is minus wtiat he paid lor the mares. Not Ivuinbered.

John Loek'nger, of Bir iutngham, was complained of yesterday tor driving a soal war on without a uumber- At the litartaj showed Jieacta ttad represented that he did uot know ttat the number was so strictiy required. On pruiuiaios to rcmiijitu Hie iu 1 ut are lie was iet odviilii paying coets Conrad F. lerharlt, of A'lr rheny, a r-re er I was complaiaed of for aiiowmj vue oi oas to run witr.out a number, zie aiso bis aad pron tsed well for tha fcrxe.aad i.tuu?(t was let cfl wti a ers Is time are Mr. tha and 7, 2i an the 2, 2S. oi A.

the the of cor by by a a to nuke ail the arracsemer.ts entirely satisfactory. We have alrforty described tlie location in ttue coiumns and detaUed the proje-t-ed arrange. ncnta. We rinited the fcrounds afternoon and found the arranpements almost entiraly completed. The trotting course net yet flnlalie.d, but will be in readiness ta for the trials for which it Is ilcei ne t.

Th stables and buildings for the btock and warts completed, and at I day yesterday eji.hib.rors were buy adjusting their articles for there will be tinedisplay of Inventions, cattle, ltores, sliecp, hogs and mauulauttires. "Vesteniay iroroing the entry looks were taMtii from the office of the Soewy, at tUe store ot J. A. Kee on I aih street, to the otttse oa jrroundi at Iron City park The on exhibition are cl iksiiie.l as follofts: t'ias 1, hsavy uiai'ght hortes; No. 2, horses for ganeral puritosea; No.

3, light draught eadtlle horses; No. 4, jacks, jenoeis nud r.m'.es; No. 6, Shorthoras; No. 6, Attorneys; N- Ksvon, Hereford, Ayreshire, Ac; No. it at tje, fat sheep and wurisi oxen; Ne.

Our wodW No. 1'). wooird sheeji (Scu'h lownBi; No. 11, coarse wooled shti No. IS.

Cashmere goats; No. 11, wine, larP and small breeds; No. poultry, No. 16, flour, rrtral, bakery, Ac; No Id, grain and seeds; No. 17, vegetables; No.

14 fruit, wiue. ci lr. No. 19. iloaers an.t talents; No cut nowerj, 4.J.; No.

Si, domestic mauic-turee; No. esnbroidety, cineLe', wax work, No. 2, diy goods, iials, capj. Slc; No. at tsttci chtre, io.i Noa.

r. 9S, 27, agrt-enltUiTil iie.pletuentsi No. i3, leather manulc-tures. No. "23.

stoves, tin wire, ate; No. SO. il-Vi r-l)late! ware, glass ware, i.c No. M. brass, copper, No.

rehicica; Is'o. 3o, I penmanship; No. 31, statury, carving, a.c; No. 3 machiatrv No. 3ii.

sew ing mnchlnes and inventions; No. 8.. llanev.ns. Tp to last even; the cf i of illilctt oicete were ss Class No. 1, No.

2. 11; No. 3. 34; No. 4, No.

6.VT; No. 3: No. No. No. 9, No.

No. tl, IS, No. 11, No. 14, 5: No. Ji, No.

No. 17, IKS'; No. 10, I No 21, 25; No. 22, 1U; No. 13, No.

81 Ih'i Ni. IS; No. So. 55; No. 47, No No.

1. 2, Nil. St, 1.1; No. 31. No.

52, No. 43, 21; No. J4, N'o. S5, No. 3.

lis; No. l. We partloularly the siatid hfre Mr. F. lihatonryagent ior Orover Baker's sewing aia ihinc, had his beautiful lustrum arrajea.

lie Iihi fcil oh' sen his location neat carriage entrance and hii erected there a neatpavilioa which eanbeeloscd at pleasure with moveable abutters. Here he rasa most eiceaot asmrtuicut of machines To best of our ju'lnnerit sve are rulyarttarj, aod a b.steheior a that, and so not inlif.e.l to of women's fine arts the ladies wiil he showing decirteitiy good tas'e to be dehgntet with this rMsp'ay. We shall endeavor to give tuple deacrip iens the during the wetk. Court. Tcisdat, Oct.

17. Preeer.t, Juafite Woodward ard Judges Thouipjon, Stioeg ar.d head. Uoyce vs. Clemens Erie. N'on.

pros. Willy vs. I)ny. Crawford. by Chi rjh for pislo'ill' in error, and by Fartsiiy tia.

liiysUme vs. fitj-stone. Crawford. Aisarl l-inney for pUintiti in error, aud by i)hurch contra. ritiiler vs ITenlan.

Crawford. Aretitd by Fianey for plaiatiri in error, and by Farieily contra. King et rs Kelly, for use. Erie Arvued lor plainuil in error, and by Walker and Vincent euctr. Camp et al.

Fowler. line. by Marshall lor piaibtuf ia erior, bj Walker and incent contra. Court adjourned nuttl nine o'clock Wednesday tuorniog. Somethiutr Sew.

Ths editor of the I.e-tigii Valley Lxpnt is, raglug abut the reception of a new slearu engine for his establishment. The extraoidinar part of the fl'ix is that it was a pre seat from one of the patrons cl the paper That Is certainly a phenomenon ir. ths newspaper world. It is seiuoot enough that lite crait receive tokens of re garus," an wl.enthey do said tokens are usu- any in some unavailable Hut Here Is a little '-keepsake" that is most enuiicntjy practical and of decidedly available uaefuinci's. We congratulate the editor oa his good luck and the ou their good sense.

ValUe Found Early yesterday morning boy named John Wendenu appeared at Alderman Taylor's office with a valise, apparently quite new, which he had found above the new depot lying near tho stuce wall. It had beeu forced open by splitting orTa part of the and so loosened tue Eii that held the "catch All the eonteuts hl been taken out except one pair of linen drawers, which were new and had never oeen worn. Tuere was no mark on them or the radse. Theie has evidently been a robbery. Tne valise is a cheap, paper-covered one of a light color.

Any one wishing to Identity it can bad it at Alderman i avlor's orUee. A Xew Dodge. We were shown yesterday new "sharp" to which the counterfeiters of the new fifty cent currency have resorted, Ths counterfeit is admirably executed so ikilluUy at to be almost identical with the genuine, ami good judges are very easily deceived by it. A tew or too notes have the word "designated," oa the right coraer, swelled white on the large majority the word is ptoperly spelied. People eeeiog tbe mlespelt word naturally thick that only the cutes on which the Impropriety oocora the counterfeits, and so, with a feeling ol perfect security may receive a pocketlull of bad cotes.

It a sharp and dangerous dodge. Craclcers. Crackers are a great institution. The army would have een no where without its crackers; though we think the army article wrongly named, for in view of the tremendous cohesive properties of the "hard-tack, aud the exertions requirtd to separate it into mouthful, the soldieis speaking, the craciti s. Oystersalso need crackers togettheai properly into positiou in ti.e stomach.

So does cheee. Altogether, crackers are aimost as much of a necessity a luead aud butter, and ths proper place to get craoners is at jlarvia's, No. et 1 ourta street. Kxplacatioa. By a most mortifying accident a considerable amount of Important local matter intended for yesterday's issue, collapsed Into "pi," and bo did not make its appearance, the accident oeourrii.g at sj late au hour as to rir.dtrrc-3t.UiLg impossible Among matter so kt pt out were tie particulars of the nnmictde, aud au articia pertaiulng to the fair, as well at the report oi tne J.

O. base's lecture. We regret the accident ex-peedingiy, and trust that our readers will overlook li. it hub way Yesterday afternoon a spaa of oiuies auacneu a large cauei wagon, took fright on Laco*ck street, in Allegheny, and rtn down an alley and through a lumber yard over various piles of staves, 4lc haitirg at the rail-mad embankment, near Federal street. Two negroes were lu the wrnson at the time.

One ol them, a boy, was spilled out, aod the passed over his legs, but wivliout doing serious uam'ge. Sale of Stocks, Tuesday evening, tetober 17th, at the Coaimcrcial Salts luS SoillhRelii street, A. ilIlwaine, Auctiou-eei: Bank of Pitisbutgh M. M. National liank Icsr.raaoe Company.

6tt OU Sond morrsire bortts of I Ptttsrmrh and hailroa.t Company, tor Wiln back jooons laiiD: e.ak.n n7a Astault and Itatterr Mrs Thos. Mn I c*nt, of Claachestcr, appere-J before Mayor Morruon yeBtei information ar -at est her husband, Thos McOune, charging htm with assauitiug her is a most wautun ad uoprtv voked mACucr, beaiug het aud tvirnii her out cf aoois. milted await a hearing. Mayor' Miulsg Court. C4se, were disposed of at the May-ot's ctSoe morr.irg.

Of these eleven were up for drunkenness, site for OrunkecLess and vagratcy and seven for drunkenness a ti'sordeilv ouiiduct. Two were Oist-bareeil and the rest heed or impiisoned. The aatount cf Imposed, aside from the ecsts, Wat f'l, TUr. W. Kotter, of Adams' Express Co'iijny, will accept our thanks for a late copy oi he Atianta tJ.) Intilivjenetr, The Ieetur T.ast Kvruiag The lovers cf poetry, genius and humor, turned out last tvening; to hear the apostle of ail John O.

Saxe. Mr. S. gave his gicat humorous poem Yackee Land. H's many happy hits, hi geoial humor ard pikiiug wit brougblout frerjuett rounds plause.

Tbe audit uce was a iaiire acd one. Th thanks of the l.u.ia are due to tLe Teuoysou Ciul. tor tiis op- ir.ea oi neancg jueb u. St. rlsptn never had sacli a Jubilee as will tendered at Noe.

56 and 47 I ifth street ty ur friend has been asking obe out of two and wUl to-lay have a rra-d,ng of ai: of patterns of Iot ciiioea, i.uj.. a-iu ail ainas ot stocit lu tii4 lUe at ivw iirtces, Vi ad be Cso. ia is she to or i be tha mean of ir.rding liberty, and joy, and liU, to thousands of their countrymen, and at tin Pimo tima make their own organization a power in the land cf their adoption, through whsa influence, when the pportdniiy offers, tliey C4n laoru to the regeneration Iie'aad, uot only wilh the sympathy and moral power of America to back tnetn, but with the whola -weight of her material resources. Among tho many important events connected wiih tho recent war ia tlda country, there ura two which scorn to ua Wfeli worthy of consideration in this con nection. The first is the attempt on the part of England to establish the principle that tho mere recognition of party as a party as a belligerent ty a neutral power, gives to the party sa recognizsd the right to enter the ports of snch neutral and furnish Iheti3elve3 -with munitions and materials of war, and fit out privateers, with which to assail the commerce cf their enemies.

Let tha Irish of America but pursue their obj3Ct with steady perseverance, "until their moral weight shall be ahlo to impress itself upon the policy of the American Government, and what is to prevent them, acting upon the principle here, established by England Lerself, from throwing into the soa'e, whenever opportunity offers, the whole weight ot the material resources of the United States? There are other reasons we might suggest why the Fenians should wait, and confine themselves to developing and strengthening their resources here. The vital energy of the Irish nation, If rve may use the expression, is in this country. It is the b-ave, adventurous and enterprising man, ho emigrttes from bis country and ameliorates his condition by seeking a wider scopes for hia energies la new countries and distant lands. This is the character of the rr.en who have been pouring into the United State? from Ire'and for nearly a century, and the impress of their labor, their genias, their enterprisf, is seen pud felt in every State, from Maine to All this mass of courage energy and enterprise must be thrown atk upon its native roil, if Ireland is ever to be redeemed from her present s'ate of hopeless subjugation. And this brings us to the eocond consideration, whkh the recent war forces upon the attention of the Irish emanc ipationists.

Before this war steam had made th? ocean the highway of nations, and the ports and harbors of sea-girt people wore doors and gatfa for the admission of enemies, but the llerrimac and the mail clad monsters which have out from the cmtrencie of the four Lava revolutionized all this, and made tlie invasion cf, seagirt people next to impossible. These grim guardians of the sea coast will hereafter stand prepared in every hnr-bor to deal ceitain destruction to tha hclpkss lavader, who ('ares not riak tho 'oceun storms except in the u.ralle wooden ships. But time, that at las. tots thirg3 even, will divcrer some nieaf.3 of destroying these iron clada and bringing bick the ttrtogth of the offensive to what it was before the days el tha Merumac, and then, and u.jt till may the Fenians hope to throw their wb'-is strength into England, and luett the ftuper. lous power wil'u so mo hopes of euccois.

Tit ClvLB'n A Tho cholera, accnid- to ofl-cial aivias reretved at the itate Depertment in Washington, has almost entirely diaappearel froci The epidemio Et Pahna, the capital of the U'tiu 1 of M'ijorea, hOTeier, Appears in a very aggravated form. have reached Pert Ma-Lon that the diocase la spreading into the interior cf Spain, lntelligenca frnra the Consul at Marseilles is to the that the disease is frightfully ou the in-creaci Eighty thousand cklzens tare left tha city, aid the deaths co-rr avcrft9 tSiy and sixty a day. rr. n.n..:. k.r..

iuc xi.fc ua tl wustai cliarge Uerttis, Sut cia cot second trlil at the dock to-day, as fxpecuu. it 18 izpoM! 10 titey wiii begin, trobau'y tha tne I wit gay truntMr.fa, ttvr tabraxiea afcd 1 jraate by I P. MARSHA LI. Ihb Silica ai Kcw London as moa as the wtaiuorp-irmiw..

The Pittsburgh Post from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.