The Weekly Register from Point Pleasant, West Virginia (2024)

Weekly Register. a 1 'ear tn Advance or for ilearf, in Advance. W. TIKTBTT, UdUtor. Point Pleasant, West Va.

WEDNE8DAY, JATOAEY 11, l.cglNlnture. The to day in adjourned session, and we take the liberty otrfoicing some of the of tho people. This is a session to finish up legislation by the present body, and not to begin it. Every member has his particular constituents in his couuty and his individual ideas, but it takes the constituency of all the counties and the ideas of all the members to form tho Legislature, therefore let that be done which will be for the greatest good of the greatest number. What the people want and what thoy pay for is voles, not speeches; beforo the noxt election tbey can get plonty of better if not longor speeches without either mileago or per diem.

Tho member who prevents the change of a good law will be more highly appreciated by his constituents than the member who introduces fifty bills that don't pass and ought not to pass. Our Stute is young; we want peopip, labor, capital, development; our Legislation must bo as liberal as that of other States or wo will get none of these. When it is necessary to pass an act, put it in plain, unmistakable language, for your constituents are tho plainest kind of people. When different acts conflict, reserve tho best and repeal all that conflicts with it. There will bo somo memhers who will never get through, but when the Legislature is through, corno home, because just one year from now there will be another body who will occupy your place comingmoro recently from the people.

To JiiNiiceti. Wo are requested to call tho attention of Justices to sec. 229 of the Justice's Act, passed 1881: "Every Justice shall, annually, in the month of January, certify to the Clerk of tho County Court of his county a list of all fines imposed bv lum during the proceeding vear, and stating therewith such as have been paid to him; and the Clork of everv County Court shall, upon receiving such certificate of the Justice, certify to tho Auditor the amount of monev appearing thereby to hav(j been paid to tho sheriff; anu if ho fail so to do, be shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars. "He shall also state in such list for which of such fines (if any)' execu tions have not been returned, or returned unsatisfied; and for which (if any) executions havo been returned satisfied and the monoy not paid to hira, with tho name of tho olliccr or person so fuiling to return or pav, and such as havo been paid by him to tho sheriff, and if he fail to do so, lie shall bo fined not less than fifty nor more than ono hundred dollars'" The Now Vear opens with exceedingly bright commercial and business prospects for tho United States. Every branch of industry is unusually prosperous for this season of the year, notwithstandiug tho unfavorable weather of early winter, and the reports from all quarters indicate a very marked and unusual degree of prosperity.

Tho development of the vast resources, agricultural, industrial, commercial and on rapidly, with overy indication of a steady and constant increase. Taxation is lowered and every one is correspondingly happy. One of the very best investments that can be made in this town would be in the shapo of a new Hotel. An investment of nbout 85,000 would put up a house of modern improvements uiul conveniences. Tho noxt two years of busy work and travel that will centre about this place would pay back every dollar of the investment.

Let somo one organizo a plan for a Hotel now that can bo built early in the Spring. i lie list of lost vessels for the year 18SI is of startling length, cvon when the very largo increaso in steam as well as sailing craft is considered. Nearly 200 most of them British property, alone have been wrecked, and all of them but ten or adozen totally dtstroyod. Some have left port and nover been heard from, while tho rest have gono upon the rocks or to pieces under the power of the unusual storms that have pre-1 vailed. Phis is ono of tho sad stories of tho year just gone.

The capital stock of the Greenbrior White Sulphur Springs Company will bo increased 8200,000. Notwithstanding some very defective arrangements which multiplied the expenses very much, tlm enormous i receipts of last season, demonstrated that tho capital stock even with tho increase of 8200,000 ought to pay 35' percent. How is that for an in-1 vestment? I The "Visitor." Mr. Editor: We infer from the remarks of the editor of the Visitor, that be has some knowledge of who the parties were that committed the depredations in Christmu eve, by pulling down signs, 4c. Now, if Mr.

Van Matre is a good citizen and to see (he property of the town protected, and if either he or "Snap Jacker" will make oath before the will injure them that the guilty parties will be punished, (whether the Mayor's ran is one of the party or not), as he did "Snap Jacker" when he was before him. WA8HIWGTO.V LETTEB. The RcMMHcmblliiK of CongrefW? Mr. Orlh ProletttH? Mr. Ahead.

onr Regular Washington, D. Jan. 7,1882. The holidays are over. The national bunting has again been run up at both ends of the Capitol, announcing the presence of the House and Sonate in Congress assembled.

Postmaster General James has formally resigned, and the new Postmaster Gjeneral, duly installed at the head of the largest postal department on the planet. The most noted, and, owing to its cause and its the most repulsivo trial in modern judicial history is rapidly ncaring its close. Tho social world at the Capitol is abroad on the boulevard, or at home in the drawing room, alert, irrepressablo, diabolically gay and aesthetically nicked. Until within the last five days, we have had the balmy winter climate of South Carolina; but the new year brings a temperature and snow fall that has set the oldest inhabitant talking. The Ilouso met on Thursday and, after a brief session, adjourned till Monday, but the session, brief as it was, was sufficiently long for Mr.

Orth, of Indiana, to express his protest and his indignation at being ignored in the formation of important committees. This is the beginning, the forty-seventh Congress will not hear the end of the very general dissatisfaction with Speaker Keifer's committee mechanism. For the last ten or fifteen years, there has been a feeling among legislators that the system of naming the porsonel of committees by the Speaker coucentrated too much power in the hands of one man. Solong, however, as the Speaker followed the rule of recognizing, as far as possible, the leaders of the House, and placing them on important committees, there had been no emphatic but now comes Speaker Iveifer, ignoring all precedents, and nearly all the recognized leaders, causing great dissatisfaction in both rank and filor and in both parties. Mr.

Springer, of Illinois, will, in a few days, offer a resolution, setting forth that unknown aud inexperienced men have been assigned to important committees, whilo older members, and those familiar with legislation and the rules of the House, have not only been gagged by being placed on unimportant committees, but that they have been removed from importan' committees where they have long served, and that their efficiency as legislators has been conspicuously and wantonly impaired; that tho action of the Speaker is not so much a personal aflront as it is a wrong to! their constituents and to tho country, whose interests demand the best ability and most mature experience,) or, in other that tools shall! not bo given to bunglers, but to those who can use them. The feeling of dissatisfaction among members is, by no means, confined to Mr. Orth, or to Democrats. It is shared by the friends of Mr. Orlh and of Mr.

Kasson, and is prevalent among the Western, the Eastern, the tho New England, and the New York delegations. It needs no prophet to predict that, with this intense feeling existing, tho fortyseventh Congress will not bo a dove cote, or the Speaker's chair a bed of roses- C. A. S. Tho Philadelphia Tims has looked over the ground in tho Keystone State and reached tho conclusion, "If the Stalwart President can form a coalition with the worst Democratic elements in New York, the Wolfe and anti Stalwart Republicans will feel justified in a coalition of the best Democratic elements in Pennsylvania, and who will care for Cameron then?" If the Independents will light it on this lino for a year or two they will bo able to accomplish something; othcrwiso they will continue to butt their head against a stone wall without advantage to themselves or injury to the enemy they are sounxious to embarrass.

The exodus of the negroes from the South still continues, and it is said that plantation after plantation is left without a laborer. In South Carolina this movement threatens to leave tho planters without any hplp to cultivate their lands, as white emigrants cannot be induced tocome thoro and work for tho same wages as tho colored people, nor will they bo satisfied with tho same rations and treatment. Holiday Editor JUgiMer: Another twelve months Work done, Another Sew Year has began. In entering upon the new year we should do with new resolves, and eneavor to improve the future more than we have the past. It is said there is always a calm after a storm, and a truthful saying it is.

Some weeks before Christmas all were looking forward to the holidays with anticipations of pleasure, and no one more so than the writer of this, who was anxious for a little rest from school duties. My enjoyment commenced on Wednesday, December 21st, 1881, at the residence of Mrs. J. D. Hope, in Clendinen District, where alarge numberof invited guests assembled to witness the mar riage ceremony between Miss hliiubcth M.

Hope, and Mr. P. F. Spencer, Rev. S.

Cummings, of your city, tied the knot and made Perry (for by that name he is best known) to the discomfort of some of the beaux, the possessor of his charming brido whom he so roguishly deprived them jfc the writer of this entered his protest but jt was of no avail, he? hewevep got a sumptuous repast which waB some consolation. Your correspondent, like Peter Pinder of old, gathered on Friday before Christmas his family of school children around him, talked to them and gave each one an affectionate remembrance and wished them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The schools in Clendinen were all closed for the holidays, but are now in successful operation now that the storm of enjoyment is over, and every thing is moving along calmly and quietly. During the festive season Mr. Geo.

Henry, and Mr. Josiah Arrington, each gave pleasant entertainments at their hom*os which were enjoyed by all who were present, and who tripped the light fantastic to their hearts content. The matrimonial market, so madam rumor has it, is looking up and the most popular sentimental piece now sung in this section of countryis "Ever of thee fondly I'm The weather has been very disagreeable for some time past, and the roads aro in a fearful condition, and in many places almost impassible, they are a disgrace to the county and something should be done to improvo them. i On The Visa. Ruilroud We have sorno more good railroad news for our readers this week, which will prove especially interesting to parties living on this side of the river.

Mr. M. A. Miller, of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, has been in town sinco Monday, in the of the proposed branch from Scary to Gallipolis. His first object was to securo from the corporal ion authorities the right to construct the line through town.

Council held a meeting Monday night, and the matter was discussed at some length, but action was postponed until Tuesday evening. In the meantime an ordinance giving twenty feet off of the North side of Court street had been prepared, by the terms of which the company was required to build and forever maintain a depot within one-fourth of a mile from the middlo of Main street, under penalty of ton thousand dollars forfeiture. Mr. Miller objected to tho forfeiture clause, and the vote resulted in a tie, with ono member of tho Council absent. The whole matter was then adjourned till Wednesday afternoon, when, at a full meeting, the objectionable clause was stricken out and the ordinance passed.

It is not a part of Mr. Miller's business to locate depots, but he thinks the company will place it just where the county roads turns up onto the bench below town, which will be within the prescribed limit. General Bowyer has already donated the land. Mr. Miller has taken op lions on several of the lots abutting on Court street on the North side, which the company will want in case1 that route is selected.

There options were given for only thirty days, so that whatever is done will be quickly done. He goes to Williamsburg to-morrow, on other business for the company, but will return here week after next, and will then see all the property holders along the line between Scary bridge and the mouth of the river. He assures us that it is his understanding and be lief that grading will commence just as soon as the weather will permit; that the company have not heretofore been ablo to spare the hands from the Eastern extension, which has proven a much more difficult and tedious undertaking than was at first anticipated, owing to the marshy character of much of the territory through which they had to We feel warranted In expressing the opinion that within the next few months the peaceful slumbers of our sober citizens will be disturbed by the snort of the iron horso as he plunges through our county, frightening away tho commercial owls and bats, and dragging after him a long train of prosperity and Democrat. Thedebtof New York city is now $99,000,000, and there is a proposition pending to increase it by $15,000,000 by the construction of a new aqueduct. Queon Victora will at no distant day have a Land League in England to wrestlo with.

Things aro driving in way gradually. Jio Mart Itnrd If you Will stop upending much on ricn food and style, buy good healthy food, cheaper and better clothing, get more real and aobstantial things of life every way, and especially stop the foolish habit olemploying expensive, quack doctors or ueing so much of the vile humbug medicine that does yoo only harm, and pift your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitter that at a trifling cost, yon will good and have good 1 1 Hi D. Whitcomb and S. Mc G. Fisher, of Richmond; Jos.

Miller, of Wheeling, and S. A. Miller of Charleston, are the incorporators of the "Kanawha and Chesapeake Uailipad Company," capital, $3,000, 000. The road is to be commenced at or near Cannelton, and proceed by the most practicable route to a point at or near the mouth of the South Hranchyof the Potomac, in Hampshire I County, with the right to build a branch line to the Potomac River, in Mineral County. A charter has been secured.

Principal office at Charleston. Ex-Secrctarv Blaine will now de lltole most of his time to his coal railroad-in West Virginia. Ex-Senator is said io have in tho same road; Senator Davis, of West Virginia, Elkins the same, Biyard a little, Windom considerable, and Mr. Blaine probably $200, It runs'from the Baltimore and (Biio to the source of the Potomac, and thence south, leading to a county rich in timber and Press. Although the assasin Guiteau has tever made much money that we tver heard of, he has certainly man iged to have a large fortune spent him.

To sum up the cost caused by the crank to the Governuent from the moment he shot Garfield to the close of tho trial now tearing its end, would perhaps foot not far short of a million of dollirs. It is about time this man Guiteau was sent to his reward. The descendants of Cornplanter, Iho noted Indian chief, are now claiming three hundred-acres of land which Oil City is now situated They claim that the land was held ky Cornplanter in trust, and could not legally pass the title to strangers. Lady Land Leaguers in Ireland are to bo arrested and for their reception, a special jail is being piovidcd. This means that, according to all expectations, there will be.

for some time to come, ladies in jail in Ireland for political oflonses. The total number of business failures for the entire year 1SSI through out the United States is stated by the mercantile agency of R. G. Dunn to be 5,582, involving liabili tiei of slightly over $81,000,000. During the past year 599 have mot with violent deaths at the hands of their fellow men, 242 per sons committed suicide, 90 persons have been hanged, and 50 have been lynched.

Death to rats, mice, roaches and Exterminator. Barns, granaries and households cleared in a single night. Best and cheapest vermin killer in tho world. Sold everywhere. Last year 125,000 of the who landed on the shores, wereGer main, and it is expected the present year will witnesB an increase of at least 25 per cent.

One thousand arrived on Tuesday. Poplar wood is shipped from Rockbridge county, to Philadelphia at 810 per cord, to be made into paper. The shipper expects to build up a big business of the kind. The Mayor of the city of Mt. Carmel, Illinois, has ordered all the churches closed to prevent contagion of small pox.

The iron puddlers of Eastern Pennsylvania are demanding advance in wages, which shall place then on a level with the samo class of workmen in Pittsburgh. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It is a positive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs.

Lydia E. Pinkham. The Blackburn-Burbridge matter is not settled yet, and among the friends of tho two men fears are entertained that a hostile meeting will yet occur. Salt Lake City imposes an annual license of 8800 on each saloon, and the result is thero are but few, and no "corner grocories." At last Texas recognizes that murder is a crime, and two Mexicans liavo been sentenced to be hanged for that heretofore trivial offence. A thief recently stole an overcoat from a Cincinnati doctor, and along with it, got a first-class case of smallpox.

The N. Y. Tribune charges tho President with robbing the political graveyaad in toe formation of his Cabinet, which is unkind, to say the least. The amount asked for to run the government of New York city is 831.390.030.14, and the amount grantted is 829.412.831.50. In Russia hereafter all theatres are to be closed on Satudrday night and Sunday.

Better to predict and miss than nover to predict at Vcuiior. Sotlce or Dbtolttlloii or rIE firm oi McConiliay A Stuart wis thin day dinolved by mutual eonacnt. pemoni indebted to the firm wilt find it to their interest to without delay. 1 J. M.

McCONIHAY, T. F. STUART. Ijkw, W. Dec.

Ian. 11-4w. Mooting. THE annual meeting of the Stockholder's of the Mason County Agricultural and Mechanical Association, will be held at the Court House in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, on the third Monday in Jannary, (the Kith) 1882, for the election of lire Directors, and the transaction of general business. J.

J. BRIO HT, President, H. It. Howard. Secretary, dcc.21-4w.

UAXK HkFoHT. I BEPOKT OF THE ONDITION of The Merchants National Bank of West Virginia at Point Pleasant, in the State of West Virginia, at the close of bufiness, December 31st, 1881. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, 74 Overdrafts 404 05 U. S.

bonds to secure circulation. 60,000 00 U.ti. Kinds on hand 30,000 00 A mortgages. 8,000 00 Due from approved reserve ag'ts 33,600 60 Due from other National Banks. 0,109 20 Due from State banks A bonkers 353 40 Ileal A fixtures.

7,000 00 Current expenses A taxes paid. 2,880 15 Premiums paid. 3,637 50 Bills of other banks 1,175 00 Fractional papercurreiicy, nickels and pennies 20 no Specie 8,320 00 Legal-tender 15,020 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 pr.

ct ofcirculation Total, $271,195 33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 00 Undivided1 profits 8,314 11 National bank notes outRtand'g- 45,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 143,543 72 Dcmund certificates of deposit- 0,580 50 Due to other National 2,324 0(i Due to State banks and bankers 5,432 04 Total 331 Stair of Virginia, County nj T. Strihmxo, Cashier of the above na-, mod Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is truo to tho best of my' knowledge and belief. TUMBLING, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me 9th day of January, 1882.

NO. E. TIM MS, Notary Public. C. C.

MILLER, 1 J. MeCUI.I.OCH, I Directors. J. D. McCULLOCU, jan.ll-lw.

I Columbus, Hocking Vafley and Toledo Hallway. The Direct Route from Southern Ohio to the MHtTlI, EAST WEST. I ME C.A Taking cftcet Juu. 1st, 1882. NORTH HOUND.

MAIL EXPRESS RXPRBSS 4.50 A 4 35 P- m. 5.00 4.45 Mi 5.36 6.19 6.04 707 7.14 8.35 948 9-35 Cin'nati (via Lan.) 3.00 1'. M. Columbus n.00 A. M.

10 46 P. M. Cin'nati (via Col.) 8.00 P. Mi 10 00 A. M.

l.r.AVR I Columbus A.30 5.30 5.00 P. 1 AKRIVS Delaware 1.24 6.33 5.56 Marion 3.09 7.08 6.4a I Upper Sandusky a.46 7.20 I Carey 3.05 8.33 8.00 Fostoria 3.38 8.54 8.33 Toledo S.05 10.10 10.00 Detroit (via R) 8.13 1.30 pm 1.10 am SOUTH BOUND. LRAVR MAIL EXPRRSK RXPRXSf Detroit (via) C.S.R.) 8.05 7.40 A 3.00. M. I LEAVE Toledo, k.oo A X0.40 A 5.55 Fostoria, 6.16 13.03 7.18 6" Upper Sandusky 7.30 11 8.35 Marion, 7.58 x.48 9.05 Delaware, 845 3.36 9.51 ARRIVE Columbus 9.40 3.30." 10.45 LEAVg Columbus 3.35 8.30 A ARRIVE l.ancanstcr, 4.50 9.35 Logan, 5.48 10.39 McArthur, 7.14 11.57 McArthur 7.31 13.35 PM Vinton, 8.30 1.38 9.13 a.15 Middleport, 9.54 3.59 Pomeroy, 10.05 3.10 I Ihrouuh bPlwern Pnmrroy and Columbine on all Trains.

Connections made at McArthur junction Tor all points on M. C. R. Lancaster, for Circleville, Cincinnati and Zancsvillc; at Union Depot, Columbus, for all points North, East and West, and at Toledo with all roads diverging. W.

H. HARRISON, GeiTl Ticket Agent. ORLAND SMITH, Gen'l Manager. A Lecture to Young Hen On llic Low of MANHO6D A I.eelnre on (lie Nature Treatment, and liadioal euro of Seminel Weakness, or induced by SelfAbuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotencv, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, ROBERT J. UULVEKWELL, M.

author of "Urccn Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous sugical operations, bougies, 'instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certuin and effectual, by which every suffer' er, no matter what nis condition "may be, may cura bimsolf cheaply, privately anil radically. Thin Lccture will proit a loon to Ihoiunndf and Ihoutandt. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pott paid, on receipt of six I cents or two postage stamps. THE 0ULVEBWELL MEDICAL 00., 11 Ann New York N.

1'ost Ollicc Box, 4SO. oct. A NDRI FFU GE Eradicates Dandruff, prevents its return, arrests falling out of hair, stimulates new growth, and prevents it from turning gray. The best hair drming in the world. Ask tho Druggist for it.

Da. J. A. DICKEY, Proprietor, Texn. Painless Eye Water Iielioves inflamed or weak eyes at Cures in a few hours.

For granulated lids nothing better. Ask for it and have no other. Da. J. A.

DICKEY, Bristol, Tens jan 11-lw. LBO-All NOTICES. CommlMkloncrV Sale Kcul WMmte. lleury J. Fisber, n.

E. Baker at)d rending in the" ol Mason County, Wert Virginia. BY virtoe of a deerte entered in the above cause, on the 19th day ol May, 1881, the undersigned special commissioners will offer for tale by way of public auction, at tlie front door of the Court House of naid countv. on the 7lh day of February, to pay off a debt due and owing to Isabella Ridingcr from Samnoi Ridingcr, of four thousand and thirty-eight dollars and conto with legal interest thereon from May 19th, 1881 untii paid, the following tract of land: 580 acres situate in said county and State, on the Poplar Fork of the Kanawha Biter Thirteen Mile Creek, belonging to said Samuel Kidingcr, said land being partially cleared and improved, with a good residence thereon and other suitable buildings for a farmer's use thereon; upon the following TKRMS: CA6n as to one-third of the purchase monev and the residue on a credit of six anil twelve months, the purchaser giving bond with good security for the deferred payments, and the said Commissioners retaining the legal title of said land as a further security. The above sale will be made under a first lien upon said land.


4-4w. Special Commissioners. Nil KII IF FN HEX IBS. A LIST of Heal Estate sold to indivldu als within the comity of Mason, in the month of (2d day) January, 1882, for the non-payment of taxes thereon for tiio years 187t) and 1880: WAGGENER Fry Samuel and Zerkle's heirs, Pomeroy sold to 11. Cartmill.

Total $10.94. Lovell, Payne and Tlios. Means, 20, Third Mason City, sold to T. J. Booth.

Total ARBUCKLE DISTRICT. Fleck 30 acres, Ohio Sixteen, 7 acres sold to C. Maupin. Total $3.82. CLEN'DINKN DISTRICT.

Groves, G. 5 acres, Ohio Sixteen, sold to T. J. Booth. Total $3.93.

no. E. Neville, 30 acres, Ohio Sixtoen Hills, sold to T. J. Booth.

Total $5.04. UNION DISTRICT. Hill Amanda, 74 acres, Mini Lick, sold to C. W. Maupin.

Total Harrison Lucretia, IS acres, Mud Lick, 10 acres sold to T. J. Booth. Total $5.10. McCov David, 55 acres 13 Milo Crock, sold to T.

J. Booth. Total $7.03. Roscberrv Peter, heirs, 139 acros," Pigeon Boost, sold to T. J.

Booth. Total $23.53. HANN'AN DISTRICT. Miller Samuel 105 acros, Guyan, sold to T. J.

Booth. Total S9.77. THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, County of Mason, To-wit: A. A. Hanly, Sheriff of the County of Mason, do swear that the above list contains a true account of all the real estate I within my county, which lias been sold by ino during the present year, for the nonpayment of taxes thereon, (or the years 1870 and 1880 and that 1 am not directly, or indirectly interested in the purchase of any of said "real estate, so help me God.

A. A. HANLY, Sheriff of Mason County. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of January, 1882. JOS.

II. HOI.IXIWAY, Dep'y, (or J. 1'. R. SMITH, Clerk of County Court of Mason County.

jan 4-8w. commissioner's saleoF ItEAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to the terms and conditions of a decretal order of the Circuit Court of Mason County, West Virginia, entered on the 17th day of May, 1881, in llic Chancery cause of Robert Lntton, Executor of Samuel Greer, defeased, vs. Nancy Greer, ot. the undersigned will offer (or Hale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House o( Mason County, est Virginia, on the 5th Day of September, 1891, all the real estate of the said Samuel (ireer, deceased, situate in Cooper District, in said county and State, containing about 300 acres, for the description anil boundaries of which reference is hereby given to the records ot said county.

Terms of of the purchase money cash in hand on the day of sale, the residue on a credit of one and two years, the purchaser to execute bonds with good security (or the deferred installments, said bonds to bear interest from the day of sale until paid and the legal title to be retained, as further security, until the purcnase money be all paid. The above laiid is well improved, under a high state of cultivation ami witli tine timber, and will be sold subject to tlio 'lower right of Nancy Greer, widow relict of said Samuel Greer, deceased. HENRY J. FISHER, aug. 3-4.

Special Commissioner. The above sale is adjourned until Wednesday, September 141b, 1HHI. 11ENRY J. FISHER, Special Commissioner. The above sale is adjourned until Monday tlio 17th of October, 1881.

HENRY J. FISHER, sep. 21-3w. Special Commissioner. The above sale is postponed until IKouday (he fllli day or February, 18N2.

HENRY J. FISHER, oct. 20-td. Special Commissioner. To Western Emigrants FOR Maps, Railroad Timo Tables, land Circulars, Land Exploring Tickets, Guides to the Mining Regions of California, Colorado, Montana and Nevada; Lowest Rates on I lonseliold Goods, Emigrants' and Miners' Movables; and full and reliable information relative to Arkansas.

Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Tho Black Hills, and tho Entire West, call on or address J. W. WOSIELDORFF, Gen. Emigrant Ag't. O.

It. MUIDMCPORT, OHIO. Office in Paragon Drug Store, Mill Street. ndnq Salaried Aijcnl, 1 MAKB NO CHARGE for SERVICE. WRITE TO will answer promptly, or call and see you personally.

ang.3l-ly. VALUABLE TIMBER LAXIJ for SALE! THE tract of timber land belonging to lion. S. S. Cox, of New York, lying in Clendinen District, Mason county, west Virginia, containing 000 acres, is now for sale, in the whole, or in tracts of not less than 100 acres.

Upon this land can bo found tho finest of timber, cousisting of Asb, Walnut, Oak, Poplar and Pine. Easy access to the Kanawha or Ohio Rivers. Title indisputable. Abstract of title and map of land can be seen at tho ofHco of no. Timrns.

For terms and further information apply to the undersigned at Point Pleasant, est Virginia. Correspondence solicited. NO. E. TIMMS and J.

P. R. B. SMITH, dec.U-tI. Attorneys in Fact.

WAR DECLARED! Paul Vollert, PKALER IS Staple Groceries, Confectioneries, NUT8, CANNED FRUITS, PROVISIONS, AC. TAKES PLEASURE in Informing the citizens of Point Pleasant anil vicinity, that lie luis just, received new slock of Groceries, Candies, and all other goods in his lino, which lie is prepared to cheap as the cheapost. FAMILY FLOUR. The best brands of Family Flour always on hund and for sale either by the small or barrel. Give mo a call as I will make it to your advantage to boy yonr llroceries of me.


M. B. JONES', OF ALL TIIE NOVELTIES IS MILLINERY Such French Pattern Hats and llonneta, also overy kind of untriinmed Goods, Iroin 25 Cents Up, Fine Ijicea and liibbons of every description and colore, Hamburg, Irish anil Krerlasting Trimmings; anil in fact emrthing generally kept in a first-class Millinery House, and at PRICES TO SUIT ALL. Wo keep constantly ou hand or make to order, on short notice, Cloaks Dolmans, Saques, Dressos and Children's Underwear. Call and sec the nice Fancy Articles ordered especially for the holidays.

dec. 15-1 y. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY 1IEHA1.I). AN eight-page weekly paper devoted to the interests of the farmer and the rural districts, and replete with intelligence affecting those interests. It is without doubt the cheapest weekly paper in the South.

It is carefnlly edited by experienced journalists. The various news, editorial and literary departments are o( sneh a cliaracter as to educate and entertain tliu old, the voting, and those in the full vigor of life. While the developments of agricultural interests are its principle aim, it also gives all the news, that is necessary to keep no with tho grade of intolligunou which this asc demands. The tt'Vokly Herald is issucij on Friday of each week, and mailed to any address, on the following terms: One year Three months II) cts. Six months 75 Onetnonth 15 Remittances may be sent by check, postal order, draft or registered letter.

UIhtal made with Clulw. Addresa HER.VLD PUB. Baltimore, Md. Send for sample copy. NEW BUTCHER SHOP! JOHN JORDAN Respectfully informs the public that he has opened a Butcher corner Main and Fifth Streets, where will Iw found at all times FRESH Si EATS of all kinds.

Tho best cuts will not be sold for over lOccnts per pound. TERMS CASH. The highest price paid for Beef, Cattle, Hogs, Ac. TMitr.SiV.HMlnof eitMr-: Con' Ur .1. Melon: Brtr.ii It of Beet ami 40 at Tomato, with other In prrtponton.

ij Brae portion of whkh grown on my fire wfll be found In my ui FUwrrlM SentFKUtct all who apply. SeMon need not write It. All aold from my ettablhhment warranted to bo both fresh and true to name, that should it prove otherwUe. I will refill the order gratlt. Tho original Introducer of OhU and Bnrbnnk Murbl.

i.r-4 Oorm. the Ifabtard Mnrbleboud PhlanryV Md I t4 other new I Invite the patronage of the public. New a Specialty. Jamrtl.* jan 4-1 in.

TAKE New igt Andes, Every WEDNESDAY, at 5 FOR CINCINNATI, and Every SUNDAY, ut 2 a. m. FOR WHEELING and PITTSBURGH. A.

N. SACKETT, SPECKER, 81 Pearl Cincinnati, O. TZxy O-ooSjb ITeticruieb.231y* FARM FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my farm of 20 acres, situate in Mercer's Bottom, Mason county. It hna on it a good frame house of fivo rooms, barn and other improvements.

TI10 land is all bottom, lying on the Ohio river. For further information address MRS. MAR1 AH J. MEADOWS, Point Fleaaant, West Va. pr A rmrvifl OBOANS 27 Stwn Set" Reeds Only Pianos up.

Hare Holiday Inducements Ready. Write ur call uU BEATTY, Washington, N. J..

The Weekly Register from Point Pleasant, West Virginia (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.